how do you evict non paying tenants??
anyone had this,im at the end of my patience,i rent my house out to a couple and their kid
they paid me first months rent in advance and deposit as requested
that was in june when they moved in,and ive not had a penny since,im fukn raging
they wont answer door or phone,and ive sent an eviction notice nearly 4 weeks ago giving them their 4 weeks notice to get out as agreed in the tenancy agreement,i sent it special delivery,and they are that wide they never signed for it and i only now know this as royal mail return the letter 3 fukn weeks later,surely with special delivery it has to come back within a week
ive spoke to the police and its nothing to do with them,it makes me fukn sick
these bastards have obviously done this before,
i know alot of dodgy people and i know i could have them tossed out,through the window if need be,but i know in this day and age you simply cant do things like that
where do i stand,if i cant even hand deliver it,cause they wont open the door,they will be getting another fukn months rent for free,possibly more
its costing me a fortune,and am i going to have to get a lawyer involved and get a court order etc ,its going to cost me even more
im really at my wits ends,
they paid me first months rent in advance and deposit as requested
that was in june when they moved in,and ive not had a penny since,im fukn raging
they wont answer door or phone,and ive sent an eviction notice nearly 4 weeks ago giving them their 4 weeks notice to get out as agreed in the tenancy agreement,i sent it special delivery,and they are that wide they never signed for it and i only now know this as royal mail return the letter 3 fukn weeks later,surely with special delivery it has to come back within a week
ive spoke to the police and its nothing to do with them,it makes me fukn sick
these bastards have obviously done this before,
i know alot of dodgy people and i know i could have them tossed out,through the window if need be,but i know in this day and age you simply cant do things like that
where do i stand,if i cant even hand deliver it,cause they wont open the door,they will be getting another fukn months rent for free,possibly more
its costing me a fortune,and am i going to have to get a lawyer involved and get a court order etc ,its going to cost me even more
im really at my wits ends,
There's an article here:
Good luck. And there's no point in getting stressed about it. Just learn how to evict them, evict them and be prepared for next time.
M8 i feel your pain, i've been thur it twice and am going thur it again.
You have to follow a very thin line as i found out the first time as i ended up getting nicked and almost charged with harassment and stalking.
If they know thier stuff and by the sounds of it they do you as a landlord dont really have a leg to stand on you just have to take it on the chin and hope you have enough money to cover the mortgage YOURSELF and go thur the courts which if you've done everything right and crossed every T and dotted every I should take about 8 weeks in total but you have to wait till they are over 8 weeks in arrears.
If you need any other helps or advise m8 drop me a PM..
You have to follow a very thin line as i found out the first time as i ended up getting nicked and almost charged with harassment and stalking.
If they know thier stuff and by the sounds of it they do you as a landlord dont really have a leg to stand on you just have to take it on the chin and hope you have enough money to cover the mortgage YOURSELF and go thur the courts which if you've done everything right and crossed every T and dotted every I should take about 8 weeks in total but you have to wait till they are over 8 weeks in arrears.
If you need any other helps or advise m8 drop me a PM..
and of course they have 28 days to fuck up the house once they get the eviction notice too.
Which, judging by the types who refuse to pay rent, wont come to an amicable solution etc they will pretty much garunteed fuck your house up to spite you because you dared to throw them out when they didnt pay a penny!!!
Usually dole scrounging cunts too. my old place was rented before by scrounging cunts who when they got evicted took literally everything including the copper pipes, floor boards, sockets, doors etc etc etc
Which, judging by the types who refuse to pay rent, wont come to an amicable solution etc they will pretty much garunteed fuck your house up to spite you because you dared to throw them out when they didnt pay a penny!!!
Usually dole scrounging cunts too. my old place was rented before by scrounging cunts who when they got evicted took literally everything including the copper pipes, floor boards, sockets, doors etc etc etc
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