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Anyone been to Thailand?? - FIELD REPORT

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Old 02-09-2004, 08:37 AM
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Default Anyone been to Thailand?? - FIELD REPORT

O.k, its quite a long one, i`ve just cut and pasted this from another forum i regularly visit...
This must be one of the most realistic Field Reports i`ve read, i know most of you wont be bothered but those of you who on.

A few points before you start;

Papa-san is like a bloke pimp, the female pimp being mama-san.
1000 Baht is roughly £15.
This report was from Bangkok.
This is only a taster of what is like, the place is full of MPs, its not something i go for i`d rather just go out on the piss take a girl from the bar back to my hotel, and its not as expensive this way...


Hey guys, sorry for the delay in this FR, but I’ve been travelling around outside Bangkok for the last week or so. Also wanted to say cheers for the positive feedback on my FR on Sazanka. Be warned this is a much longer FR than the first one.........

Ok ok so you know that I’ve finally taken the plunge, but where should I start? Having thought about it for a while, I came to the realisation that there’s very little point in me writing this FR if I don’t give you guys the whole story, even the parts that I myself find a little embarrassing. So I guess if I’m going to tell you about my first “proper” mp initiation at Darlings, I should probably tell you about my first experimentation with Viagra, seeing as they occured on the same occasion.

Ok I can probably imagine that there are a lot of questions.
Why would I use Viagra?

Hmm I guess I should start by saying that medically speaking there are no real grounds on why I should be using Viagra. Certainly in the UK I doubt that there would be many competant doctors who would agree to prescribe it to me. I’m fairly young, healthy and I freely admit that although embarrassingly in the past there have been times where I haven’t been able to rise to the occasion so to speak, I hardly consider myself impotent. I guess like a lot of people, ever since this “wonder drug” first came out, I was always curious about what it was like. I forget where in the forum I read this, but one member said that after taking a Viagra you can be a porn star for the night (or something along those lines), sounded like a pretty good recommendation to me.
Although I’m curious about a lot of things, most of the time I don’t pursue the matter any further, however last Friday (20th aug) I had an interesting encounter down khao san rd. I had met and befriended some irish backpackers and we had been watching thailand pick up the gold for women’s weightlifting and everyone was in good spirits. Anyway the night was winding down and we were sitting in one of the only bars that was still open after 1 (shocking) watching the womens trampoline event. I don’t how it came up, but the topic of conversation turned to Viagra, I was pretty surprised that these guys were using it, after all the oldest could only been about 26. I was curious and asked them where they got it and they said that you could walk into just about any pharmacy in bangkok and pick it up. So after that I went home and did a quick forum search and sure enough, what they were telling me was indeed true.
I decided that I wanted some, I reasoned with myself that it was like purchasing a gun, you’d rather have one and not need it, instead of not having one and needing it. I found in the health section of this forum that there was a pharmacy in sukkhumvit that used to sell penagra, a cheaper indian sub brand of viagra, and decided that this seemed like a good place to walk in and ask for it (rather than go to some legitimate pharmacy like Boots and risk a lot of embarrassment).
So the next day, Saturday, I headed down to sukkumvit and eventually found this pharmacy, which looked like a normal pharmacy, not like some kind of backstreet clinic with the windows boarded shut. I must have passed that pharmacy about 3 times before I was finally convinced i’d be alone and had the nerve to walk in. the pharmacist spoke good english and I just asked him if he sold viagra, without even blinking an eye he said yep and started quoting me prices. There was no “meet me around the back in 5 minutes” or even looking around the shop to make sure we were alone...... yes I know I have an overactive imagination. Anyway I was quoted 1800 baht for 4 x 100mg pills (the real viagra not the cheaper imitation brands). He told me that 50mg was the average dose, that it can take about 15-30 mins to work and that I could cut them in half with a knife easily. He didn’t however mention anything about people with serious heart or high blood pressure problems to avoid using it (possible side effects= death!). So I paid the man his money and left, I did inquire about the much cheaper penagra brand and he confirmed that they had run out of this. I have no idea if I paid over the odds, but I was in no mood to haggle with him over the price and it seemed liked a reasonable price: 225 baht per 50 mg dose. When I got back to my home I examined the box he had given me, it was a properly sealed package with the company’s hologram on the side confirming its authenticity. the pills were indeed blue little diamond shaped pills, however when I tried to cut these pills in half it was no where near as easy a task as the pharmacist had made it sound. If you want to attempt this I suggest either asking the pharmacist to split them for you (and them accuse him of being a no good liar!!! you said they were easy to split in half!!!!!!) or being extremely careful when cutting them in half, when I finally managed to force it in half the fragments flew everywhere.

Anyway fast foward to the next day when I made the trip to Darlings. Once again many thanks to all the people that post all this incredibly useful information. At the end of my last post on Sazanka I did say that I was considering going to lolita’s as my next step, thanks to all the members for steering me a different direction, I feel that I should mention that the only reason I was considering going there next was that it was a bj bar and I thought that it was a logical progression from hj to bj to full sex.
Why Darlings over the hundreds of other places on offer? Well firstly I already knew where it was, when it was mother’s day in bangkok a few weeks ago I had spent the evening scouting around sukhumvit (seeing as there wasn’t much else to do) and it’s pretty hard to miss the enormous Darling’s turkish massage sign down sukhumvit soi 12. I had been drawn to going to either Annies or Darlings for my first trip, but after reading up in the forum I got the general impression that the girls at Darlings were of a higher standard than Annies and seeing as this would be my first proper mp trip I saw no reason not to treat myself.

So there it was, Sunday, early evening, about 4pm. I had originally planned to go on a weekday as I supposed it would be less busy, and I could imagine nothing more socially awkward than bumping into lots of other customers there but decided to risk it anyway. I found the street fairly quickly, it’s easy cause there’s a 7-11 on the corner. it was still far too early for my liking, there were still lots of people shopping and walking around. I began to walk down the soi trying to look nonchalant “act casual, pretend to be browsing” I thought. For those of you that read my first post, you probably have some idea of how nervous and paranoid I can get. Annoyingly there was a food vendor who set up her stall almost directly opposite the entrance to Darlings and she seemed to have spotted me wandering about. With no customers I seemed to be the focus of her whole concentration, I lost my nerve and turned around and headed for the 7-11 where I purchased a green tea. “Ok ok- minor setback, could have happened to anyone....” I sat down on some steps a few doors down from the 7-11 drinking my tea and checking out the soi out of the corner of my eye. I took out the half viagra and began to roll it around in my fingers. Hmmm just like the split second before I finally entered Sazanka I realised it was now or never, I could pull out now, go grab an early dinner and just pretend it never happened. Does everyone have these decisive sorts of flash points I wondered? After what seemed an eternity I thought “f_ck it”, I swallowed the Viagra, drank the rest of the green tea and strolled down the soi towards Darlings. I ignored everyone and took a sharp right into the grounds of Darlings. I felt very exposed walking through the car lot in front of Darlings, wondering if the vendor was watching me from the other side of the road, wondering if I should maybe break into a jog for the entrance and immediately feeling very stupid for even entertaining the notion. When I was about 3 metres away from the entrance I noticed the little flower/fountain display that seemed to occupy the entire doorway, wasn’t this the main entrance?!?!? I freaked out again for a few seconds before I realised that after you go into the archway the entrance was immediately to your left, tucked out of sight from the main street. Pushed my way through the double doors and I was in!

Once I was in I felt relief and the cool air conditioning wash over me, I had no doubt that the worse was over- was I right? the whole place smelt a little stale, not a bad smell mind you, it just reminded me a little bit of an old stately home, very dusty and obviously the decor hadn’t been changed for years. Old worn out carpet, faux pillar architecture and the like. it was exactly as I had imagined, they’d obviously tried to make the place look like some posh high class gentlemans club and half succeeded. I walked a few more steps down the coridoor and was greeted by the most miserable man that I had ever seen- I’m assuming the papasan. (Does he always look this miserable? People please let me know!). Also perhaps “greeted” is the wrong word to use, as it gives the impression that he was in some way glad to see a customer, instead he kind of looked me up and down and acknowledged my presence with a grunt (possibly thai- I have no idea). He quickly worked out that I had no grasp of the thai language and got up and started walking in front of me. Like many other people in this forum I can’t help but comment on his suit, it had obviously seen better days and god only knows what its original colour was (maybe some of us could hold a collection to spice up his wardrobe?), the suit definitely fit him though- bland and depressing. So I was led to the famous fishbowl, a large curved window screen, which looked into a large white room with staggered tiers at the back allowing all the girls to sit down and still be seen by prospective customers. it kind of reminded me of one of those suspect identity parade rooms... hmmm.

Anyway I had a plan when picking a girl, after reading a lot of other FR’s it seems that a lot of members suggest picking girls that seem keen, who make a lot of eye contact and who obviously appeal to your tastes. Makes sense I guess finding someone that you may have some potential chemistry with, rather than picking an unenthusiastic stunner. As I was being lead down the coridoor, I suddenly realised how empty the place was- I expected there to be more people, but at that point it seemed like I was maybe one of the only customers in the place. As the unhappy papa-san lead me to the bowl, I could hear that the girls were rushing to get ready, it seemed my visit had taken them unawares. “Chemistry.... eye contact...” I muttered to myself as I was lead to the front of the fishbowl, ok we have a problem.

the fishbowl had about 20 plus women in it, instead of sitting at the back on the tiers, most of them had decided to sit on the floor closer to the window. Maybe it was because it was a slow day, maybe its because I looked like easy pickings or maybe its because I’m just so goddamn good-looking (the first two reasons seem more likely), but I think every woman there was trying to make eye contact with me and we’re not just talking about normal eye contact I mean proper full-on come-to-bed eyes (also known as f_ck-me eyes), there was seductive smiling and even some slow lip licking by some!!!! (cheating!!!) Anyway I felt very exposed again, it felt like I was the one on display for their amusement, and certainly some of them were amused by my embarassment. Maybe they all have some kind of in built newbie radar? Anyhow, their ages ranged from about 20 to 40 and all of them had a little number badge pinned to their dresses. I should have spent the time carefully looking at each girl, but it’s difficult to not to get self conscious when there are 20 people staring intently at you. However I was impressed with the general quality, there weren’t any beautiful supermodels there but there were certainly a lot of 8/10’s there. Who should I pick??? the power was intoxicating, here were 20 women and I could pick whoever I want just by calling a number. How should I decide? Old or young? I’ve always like older women, but then again a young 20 yr old is also a enticing prospect. Itried to look around the fishbowl whilst avoiding eye contact with the attractive- impaired (ugly) ladies- I didn’t want to get their hopes up. I realised that I should probably start to have some kind of selection method and started looking to see who had the biggest breasts (I’m a breast man!). There didn’t seem to be anybody with ridiculously huge breasts and for a moment I was a little disapointed, the limit seemed to be about a c-cup. I tried hard not to lose myself in all the cleavage on show, lots of cleavage, I reminded myself, didn’t necessarily mean big breasts as I have so dissapointingly discovered in the past (wonderbra has so much to answer for!). of course!! Ask the papa-san! I turned to the unhappy pappy and asked who has the biggest chest. He looked at me and mumbled something along the lines of – they’re about the same..... very unhelpful. He did brighten momentarily though when he suggested I have a sandwich, but it was just a passing moment as he immediately became depressed again when I declined. When I asked him for a recommendation he suggested a girl in the front row, she had a nice enough face, however she also happened to be the most flat chested out of all of them (I think he chose her deliberately after hearing I had a thing for breasts).
So I was back to square one, when I spotted my girl lets call her CP (cutey-pie). She had been sitting on the floor in the second row and so had partly been obscured from my view. She must have been early 20’s, very, very cute with an impressive amount of cleavage on show for someone with such a petite body. She had a very cheeky smile on her face and when we made eye contact she smiled even more and mouthed something to me, I don’t know what she said but I decided to go with my gut feeling.

I felt a little bad for the other girls that didnt get picked, you have to wonder if some of the less attractive girls ever get picked. Anyhow my concern for them instantly disappeared when they brought out CP to greet me. She was tiny, a lot smaller than I realised- she must have been about 5 foot tall. She was a real cutey-pie, a nice curvy figure (I don’t like stick thin) with a permanent flirty/ playful/ dirty expression on her face. She giggled “sawadi ka”, a million dirty thoughts and images flooded through my head, I tried to conceal a smile and resist the urge to pat myself on the back, oh! what a good decision.

Anyway I was told to pay the 2500 baht at the cashiers in advance this was for 90 minutes. I handed over my money to an elderly looking thai woman who awkwardly beamed at me throughout the transaction as if this was a 7-11 and not a mp. Anyway CP led me down another adjoining coridoor to one of the rooms. Like other people have commented, the place could do with a bit of a makeover, the carpet was pretty worn out, the wallpaper and paintwork peeling in some places. We passed by a couple of cleaning ladies along the way who gave me a knowing nudge-nudge-wink-wink smile. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into the room (room no.5), it was large and spacious. Directly in front of me, in the corner was a large round mattress bed and there were a variety of mirrors of different sizes attached to the walls in the corner. the lights where dimmed already, but I could already guess that the wall paper and paintwork had seen better days. There was a 2 seater sofa in the room facing the bed and a tv as well. What drew my attention though was the huge tub to my immediate right. it looked like it could comfortably sit two people in and had some kind of jacuzzi jet bubble mechanism too.

CP came back into the room with a basket of towels, oils and tissues and started running a bath. Disturbingly I noticed that the door had no lock, probably more for their safety of course... but still I felt a little uneasy. I had been sitting on the sofa during this time a little unsure of what to do next- do I jump her? Do we sit down and talk first? She looked at my awkwardness and gave another giggle (thai girls always seem to be giggling), she sat down next me and started asking questions. How old was I? Was this my first time here? How did I know about it? etc... I spoke as clearly as I could and took the oppourtunity to ask her the same kind of questions- how old was she? 24, how long she’d been working here? About half a year. I began to feel very much at ease and was probably grinning like an idiot when I made a clumsy attempt to put my arm around her. She giggled, pulled back and told me “no! Bath first!”, who was I to disagree? I started getting undressed and got into the warm soapy bath, ahh I love baths. I noticed that CP was getting undressed by the door, and since I was now lying in the bath she was in my blind spot. I craned my neck around so I could see better, although she had her back to me it was still a very erotic scene- almost voyeuristic. She honestly hadn’t realised I was watching and when she noticed me staring, she turned away and gave a little smile and squeal. “No! Shy!” she said. I was surprised by her shyness, was this part of the act? I had expected her to be a seasoned professional, so when she she shyly came to the front of the bath completely naked and attempting to cover herself with her hands it was a huge turn on. I asked her to remove her hands and I ran my eyes over her body, she had a nice curvy figure, long brown hair, milky coloured skin with what appeared to be a large B-cup sized breast and a really curvy ass (not my thing, but I know some guys who would have killed for a chance at it). it was about this point that I realised that the viagra had kicked in.

How could I tell? Because my erection didn’t feel like the kind of erection you would normally get at the start of the night. it’s difficult to explain but have you ever had one of those really long sex sessions when after a while you reach a point when your cock just loses sensation and just becomes numb? it’s great for the girl, because you could literally just go on and on, and as long as you keep pumping away you can keep it erect, but you also realise that the oppourtunity for a mind blowing orgasm for yourself has passed. That is how I would describe my viagra erection, my cock felt de-sensitised and I could maintain an erection with minimal effort. I could see immediately the pitfalls of using viagra, although you could literally f_ck all night, the pleasure of the act itself is greatly diminished. I’m sure you would all agree that some of the best orgasms you’ve ever had weren’t always after monster long sex sessions, but instead from exciting quickie sessions (I am of course speculating on your behalf).

Anyway CP had climbed into the bath with me and I was amazed by how clean she was. She began to rinse out her mouth with listerine and then offered me some too- I accepted, not wanting to put her off in any way. She was seated in a position facing me, after washing herself quickly and tying her hair back she asked me to lie my head back on the cushion. She then shuffled over towards me in a kneeling position and slid her thighs underneath my buttocks, so that she was positioned between my parted legs. Now that I was raised higher, my erection was now pointed out of the water, she gave an approving giggle and grabbed it with her right hand. She looked at me and said “ I make you come twice ok? “ I smiled like an idiot and nodded rapidly in confirmation. She then began to wash my cock carefully, more for hygiene reasons than for my pleasure I’m sure. Then she took out the baby oil and began spread it all over her breasts, I don’t think I breathed as I watched her take my cock and slide it between her breasts and stop to rock them up and down with her hands in a very mehodical fashion. Interestingly she avoided eye contact with me during this titty f_ck, was this real shyness? Or was I that repulsive? (I’m hoping the first reason). About 5 minutes passed before she finally looked up shyly and asked if I was going to come soon. To be honest it felt very good (duh!!), and I cursed myself for taking the Viagra because I imagine without the numbing effects of the viagra it would have been mind blowing, however I didnt feel anywhere near orgasm. So I asked if she could use her mouth, she instantly giggled again and said ok in her little girl manner. She began to wash my cock again even more carefully before slowly raising her head lower and lower and lower. I have to say that the bj was a little disapointing, the whole experience of being blown in a bath by a hot thai girl was very exciting but she just wasnt very good at giving head. She would take just the tip into her mouth and I had no intention of trying to make her swallow more. Anyway I realised that I wasn’t going to come without effort and immediately began to concentrate, I began to fondle her breasts and then slowly I began to get that surging feeling. I wanted to try and come in her mouth but suddenly at the last moment she pulled away and started pumping me all over her breasts (how did she know? Was she psychic?). it was an ok orgasm, again I cursed the viagra, if I hadn’t taken it I’m sure that this little cutey giving me head and a titty f_ck in a bath tub would have brought me to a mind blowing, knee trembling orgasm. Instead all I got was a c-rank orgasm, when I should have been spurting uncontrollably all over her face.

I sighed and lay in the bath for a few minutes while she began to clean herself and me again. I got out and toweled myself dry, brrrr! Very cold and I asked her to turn off the air con. Anyway I lay on the bed as she continued to wash herself again (nearly reaching obsessive compulsive levels of cleanliness there) also paying attention to wash between her legs. She came over and asked if I wanted the tv on while she gave me a massage. I said sure and she flicked the tv on. Anyway my only small complaint about the whole experience was this particular part, she had her eyes glued to the tv set whenever she could while she gave a very half hearted and poor massage. To be honest I didn’t mind, lets face facts, this “massage” part is really just a recovery period for you to get ready for round two. At this point I have to say that Viagra is a drug that does deliever. I think it took about 10 minutes for me to get an erection again, and although she was surprised by my quick recovery, I think I was far more surprised. We were gently kissing each other, at first she kissed me on the lips with her mouth shut- really brought back memories of being a kid haha. She then took out a condom and began to slowly slide it on. OW..... I recoiled and looked down, wondering what the hell she had just done. I know there are a lot of posts that talk about thai condoms being small and I would have to agree. Now I don’t have some footlong monster cock or anything, it’s a modest normal size, but I knew straight away that the thai condom was too small in circumference for me. it felt tight to the point of being painful, also the length didn’t fully cover my erection. Now this was a clear safety issue, obviously if the condom doesn’t roll all the way down it would be very possible for it to slip off during sex and I already have enough NEWroses to worry about without adding unprotected sex to my list. Luckily I had my own condom and CP giggled again ( I think she may have been worried that I would attempt bare back!). I pushed her onto her back and then pushed her thighs back, so that they were touching her stomach, this is my routine starting position. I slid into her and we were off!

After about 5 minutes I started pumping in and out of her at a faster rate and she moaned in response. Although it was enjoyable, my cock just felt very numb and no where near close to coming. it got a little repetitive and dare I say it- boring, but I was curious as to what sort of limits my new viagra-bestowed f_cking powers had. So I turned it up another gear, about 10 minutes later I was tired and still no where near finished. I slowed down and eventually stopped f_cking her, she moaned (I’m sure this was just bad acting) probably assuming that I had finished. But she knew she had guessed wrong when I asked her to get on her hands and knees and she duely obliged as I spent another 10 minutes pistoning in and out of her whilst admiring the view in the mirror. She was moaning all the while and I remember wondering if she was enjoying any of this, I did some checking and can confirm that although she was very wet at the start she eventually dried up. I then asked a stupid question (i realise it was stupid as soon as I said it), she seemed to have reached (or faked) an orgasm and I asked her- did you come? Doh!!! Stupid I know.... I’m sure these ladies are pro’s at stroking the male ego, which made her answer even more peculiar. She said “noooo” and then asked if I had. I said no as well- was this a challenge? it sounded like it to me! So I went all out, trying as many different positions I could think of.

Fast forward end of session. UUGhhhhh.. I think she was honestly surprised by my staying power, of course she had no idea I was using performance enhancing drugs (just like ben johnson!!!) and of course I was perfectly happy in letting her think that I was some kind of sex-machine. Did she come in the end? I have no idea, but I had given my all and didn’t some guy say (Baron Pierre de Courbetin) that it’s not winning, but taking part that matters? I had to pull out and let her lube up at one point, and realised that I had never f_cked anyone non-stop for as long as this in my life. it must have been about a hour of constant energetic sex. I was getting tired and when the doorbell rang I have to say I was a little relieved. I guessed it meant my time was up, but I still hadn’t come, which obviously concerned her (bless her!). So she helped me jerk off over her tits, which was very enjoyable (i give the orgasm a c+ ) and then I collapsed on the bed exhausted.

I lay there for a minute or so staring up at the faded out mirror on the ceiling above the bed. CP then gestured for me to join her in the bath for a quick wash down, she giggled and muttered away in thai as she soaped me down. She started soaping my cock again, when it started to twitch and I recoiled. Amazingly I realised that if I wanted to I could probably try for a 3rd erection in 2 hours..... is there anything viagra can’t do? Anyway sheepishly I got dressed and gave her a 400 baht tip, the door bell had been rung again when I had been getting dressed (an incredibly annoying sound). I was led to the door by CP where she flashed another huge smile before I stumbled out into the street. it was dark and I was hungry.

So ends my super long FR on Darlings and Viagra. I give Darlings a big thumbs up, I have no complaints, except that maybe the papa-san could cheer up. it was the perfect choice for a newbie such as myself to visit and I thoroughly recommend it for all the other nervous first timers who want to step up from a Sazanka rub n tug experience. my final thoughts on Viagra? it’s f_cking lethal stuff, you can literally f_ck all night, but be warned that its at the expense of pleasurable sensation. it’s perfect if you want to teach your girlfriend or wife a lesson and its a great last resort you can turn to if you ever have any problems, although I would never want to get too reliant on a thing like that!

Now, where's my passport and visa card
Old 02-09-2004, 08:56 AM
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where do i book
Old 02-09-2004, 09:57 AM
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I heard Wayne Rooney was gonna sign for a Thai club untill Man U came in at the last minute!
Old 02-09-2004, 10:08 AM
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Ive been, it good!!

Old 02-09-2004, 11:05 AM
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I love his last paragraph about viagra "I'ts perfect if you want to teach your girlfriend or wife a lesson"

Old 02-09-2004, 11:44 AM
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Can't be bothered to read all that. Its good... BUT I found the birds SOOOO annoying!!! whiny yappy little things. NFI...

lovely place but birds drove me nuts....

edit* just read it.... load of shit. It doesn't have to be that seedy. There are some pro luxury places where its all laid on and very unseedy...

He fooked up with the bath thing as well. You SHOULD get 5 girls to do the washing parts... one for each limb and the other for the important bits
Old 02-09-2004, 12:07 PM
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You sound like you're talking from experience Any chance of a more accurate Field Report mate
Old 02-09-2004, 12:30 PM
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whoever can be arsed to read that has faaaaaaaar too much time on their hands.

I have been thinking about going as I know someone who goes twice a year and loves it
Old 02-09-2004, 12:31 PM
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i hear there are a lot of Ladyboys in Thailand -
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