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[Lets Talk] Birth To present day. Your Highs and Lows...

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Old 20-07-2009, 07:51 PM
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Pete wldnt do this so am gna do mine!!

Born december 1987 2 born, brother Alan was 4! Lived in a nice wee village, still do!childhood was great all my friends stayed around, it being a small village! Looking at growing up i had a pretty great one, had all my grandparents altho i my gran died before my parents had kids but i am told she was an amazing women!

Anyway i realise now tht my parents must hv worked really hard from the holidays we had, every year we were away, every 2nd year we went to florida and every summer it was my whole family? Which makes it better!

Secondary school, sum of my closest friends i met there and great memories! Got bullied at school for my weight but now i look back and the ppl tht did and thank my lucky stars i hvnt turned out the way he has!! Left school for uni for nursing never made the cut so had to start frm bottom but nearly there and it was worth it!

Never really had a job till i was 17 and i thank my parents for keeping me until i did!! Wrkd in waitressing but more a fan of retail currently wrk in topshop!

Never really had a proper boyfriend was the girl that guys were mates with, well until 2 yrs ago when i met the love of my life and were still happy!

Have lost a few loved ones along the way and some hv had close shaves but to me its those things that make me stronger!

Aye well pete's gonna look back and wonder!

Last edited by pete26; 20-07-2009 at 07:54 PM.
Old 20-07-2009, 08:41 PM
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I hope youre prepared

Well, even before I was born my life was full of controversy….. Apparently I wasn’t planned… apparently my mum was raped by my father, then pushed down the stairs, which then lead to me being born 6 weeks early at 4lbs 4oz on December 11th 1980 at 09.50am.

From that day on until I was about 8 months old, my mum and dad fought like cat and mouse, so they separated, and after then, it was until I was 15 that I was to ever see my father again.

Mum, although she would never admit it, was severely dependant on alcohol, so, even from a young age, I spent most of my life at the pub. She’d take me down there, no carry cot, no fancy car seat, and just sit me on one of the corner seats, and I think most of the pub would take it in turns to make sure I was ok, while mum drank and smoked herself into a stupor.

My grandma was the only person who really provided any stability in my life, she was my guardian angel. She was the one woman who I have ever had in my entire life truly love me. God Rest her Soul.

This bit is probably one of the most memorable bits of my life, but not for a good reason. Mum, me and grandma went on holiday to Majorca, mum would spend most of her day at the bar, while me and grandma would play by the swimming pool. All I can really remember, is being woken up by these strange noises…. Only to look round and see my mum flat on her back with her legs in the air being shagged by the waiter…. ( we were in two single beds in the same room ) How the hell are you supposed to react to that when you’re 5 years old? So I pretended to have a nightmare…. So she’d stop….. I think this happened for 4 out of the 6 nights we were there…. So, I pretended to have nightmares every single night…….

Mum became a qualified referee, so she started to ref Sunday league football matches, so of course I used to get dragged along to those, to stand on the sideline in al weathers…. Of course not many pitches catered for female refs, so mum would often get changed in front of one of the teams, with me, just stood there, not knowing where to look….. Then of course there was the obligatory piss up with chip butties after the match at the home teams pub… so again, I spent my afternoons in the pubs.

Mum then started inviting teams back to the house, when the pub would close so they could carry on drinking…. Id often get put upstairs to bed, but no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn’t be able to sleep, cos I could hear them all downstairs laughing and playing music really loudly…. I used to scream and stomp and shout for my mum to keep quiet ….but she wouldn’t…. I remember once, I was stamping so hard I ended up spraining both of my ankles, I just cried myself to sleep…. Only for mum to realise the next day how much pain I was in….I was still sent to walk to school, because she was hungover and couldn’t be bothered to deal with me.

That’s when mum practically developed a revolving bedroom door….. I lost count of how many temporary ‘uncles’ I had……

The next thing I can really remember, is being bought a pink, white and black Racer bike, with ‘miss trendy’ written down the side, my god I was so so so happy you wouldn’t believe! I spent HOURS out on this bike, I finally felt like I didn’t have to be around my mum cos I had something to do now!! I used to pretend this bike was a horse, and id wash it, dry it, ride it around everywhere!!! Its amazing how a bike can really unlock hours and hours of happiness!!!

Up until the age of ten, id get up, mum would still be in bed, get myself to school, then come home, mum would be down the pub, and id sort myself some tea out. Don’t get me wrong, mum was there sometimes, just not a lot.

Then, when I was ten, in my 6 weeks summers holidays, mum decided to go island hopping round the greek islands! I went to stay with a great aunt…. At the end of the six weeks, mum decided, she didn’t want to come back to the uk. So, the house went on the market…. Me… I went into foster care. I can remember the day like it was only yesterday! I got picked up from school by my new social worker, in her white fiat panda, she had all of my clothes in her car, with my teddys…. But no bike….. No ‘miss trendy’ and for a ten year old I felt pretty shit at this point!
I hopped from temporary foster carer to temporary foster carer… none lasted anymore than 6 months! I can remember writing my mum letters in Crete, saying how badly I hated being in care… but nothing was ever done……
Then, when I was 15, I was told they had found a permanent carer!! Someone who was going to finally look after me, love me and take care of me until I didn’t need looking after anymore! I went to the family’s house, met the mum, met the dad, which in itself was weird cos most of my carers had been single mothers! Met the 2 kids… they had a beautiful home, with a lovely back garden!!! It was near to school so I wouldn’t have to be ferried by taxis everywhere! It was just perfect,……until the day before I was due to move in! My social worker just told me, they weren’t going to be my carers, no reason, no explanation, just that…….
This is when the low times hit….. I sat on my bed, crying my eyes out, I hated the carer I was with…. She was clearly only doing it for the money… at about 6am, I got every bottle of tablets I could possibly find…mainly paracetamol and co-coda mol…. I got a pint of orange juice, and slowly, between catching my breath through sobbing, I took more and more tablets… all I can remember was throwing up about 8am… which is bang on when my cab would arrive to take me to school… I can remember getting in and holding back the sick for the entire journey… I got to school, I was always there before anyone else, I remember seeing my friend, Alice Boggis, and starting to cry… she asked me what was wrong….. The next thing I know I’m waking up in hospital….. Apparently I had passed out cold, my tutor called the ambulance and came with me to the hospital, I had my stomach pumped and then rinsed out with charcoal. I spent the next 3 days in hospital, and the next 3 years in counselling.

This is when I made a stand… no more carers, no more homes, no more being pushed from pillar to post… so I went into a bedsit, with supported housing! I had my own living room/bedroom, my own kitchen and my own bathroom SHIT I was a grown up!!!

From that day on I have lived on my own, and worked! Since then ive been married, been divorced, been in love, been heartbroken. But ive ultimately spent the past 13 years getting over my past demons! I’m nearly there… not quite… but nearly!!!!

Of course, in the above, there have been many more happy times than mentioned like stunning holidays and making fantastic friends, Meeting my dad for ultimately the very first time!….… but also many more sad times like losing my grandma...... losing my dog smelly, who was the only thing that’s ever stuck by me…..…. But I feel ive bored you enough with my life up until I was 15!

Sorry if you’re already asleep……
Old 20-07-2009, 08:54 PM
jamesm cossie
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Originally Posted by Maria.
I hope youre prepared

Well, even before I was born my life was full of controversy….. Apparently I wasn’t planned… apparently my mum was raped by my father, then pushed down the stairs, which then lead to me being born 6 weeks early at 4lbs 4oz on December 11th 1980 at 09.50am.

From that day on until I was about 8 months old, my mum and dad fought like cat and mouse, so they separated, and after then, it was until I was 15 that I was to ever see my father again.

Mum, although she would never admit it, was severely dependant on alcohol, so, even from a young age, I spent most of my life at the pub. She’d take me down there, no carry cot, no fancy car seat, and just sit me on one of the corner seats, and I think most of the pub would take it in turns to make sure I was ok, while mum drank and smoked herself into a stupor.

My grandma was the only person who really provided any stability in my life, she was my guardian angel. She was the one woman who I have ever had in my entire life truly love me. God Rest her Soul.

This bit is probably one of the most memorable bits of my life, but not for a good reason. Mum, me and grandma went on holiday to Majorca, mum would spend most of her day at the bar, while me and grandma would play by the swimming pool. All I can really remember, is being woken up by these strange noises…. Only to look round and see my mum flat on her back with her legs in the air being shagged by the waiter…. ( we were in two single beds in the same room ) How the hell are you supposed to react to that when you’re 5 years old? So I pretended to have a nightmare…. So she’d stop….. I think this happened for 4 out of the 6 nights we were there…. So, I pretended to have nightmares every single night…….

Mum became a qualified referee, so she started to ref Sunday league football matches, so of course I used to get dragged along to those, to stand on the sideline in al weathers…. Of course not many pitches catered for female refs, so mum would often get changed in front of one of the teams, with me, just stood there, not knowing where to look….. Then of course there was the obligatory piss up with chip butties after the match at the home teams pub… so again, I spent my afternoons in the pubs.

Mum then started inviting teams back to the house, when the pub would close so they could carry on drinking…. Id often get put upstairs to bed, but no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn’t be able to sleep, cos I could hear them all downstairs laughing and playing music really loudly…. I used to scream and stomp and shout for my mum to keep quiet ….but she wouldn’t…. I remember once, I was stamping so hard I ended up spraining both of my ankles, I just cried myself to sleep…. Only for mum to realise the next day how much pain I was in….I was still sent to walk to school, because she was hungover and couldn’t be bothered to deal with me.

That’s when mum practically developed a revolving bedroom door….. I lost count of how many temporary ‘uncles’ I had……

The next thing I can really remember, is being bought a pink, white and black Racer bike, with ‘miss trendy’ written down the side, my god I was so so so happy you wouldn’t believe! I spent HOURS out on this bike, I finally felt like I didn’t have to be around my mum cos I had something to do now!! I used to pretend this bike was a horse, and id wash it, dry it, ride it around everywhere!!! Its amazing how a bike can really unlock hours and hours of happiness!!!

Up until the age of ten, id get up, mum would still be in bed, get myself to school, then come home, mum would be down the pub, and id sort myself some tea out. Don’t get me wrong, mum was there sometimes, just not a lot.

Then, when I was ten, in my 6 weeks summers holidays, mum decided to go island hopping round the greek islands! I went to stay with a great aunt…. At the end of the six weeks, mum decided, she didn’t want to come back to the uk. So, the house went on the market…. Me… I went into foster care. I can remember the day like it was only yesterday! I got picked up from school by my new social worker, in her white fiat panda, she had all of my clothes in her car, with my teddys…. But no bike….. No ‘miss trendy’ and for a ten year old I felt pretty shit at this point!
I hopped from temporary foster carer to temporary foster carer… none lasted anymore than 6 months! I can remember writing my mum letters in Crete, saying how badly I hated being in care… but nothing was ever done……
Then, when I was 15, I was told they had found a permanent carer!! Someone who was going to finally look after me, love me and take care of me until I didn’t need looking after anymore! I went to the family’s house, met the mum, met the dad, which in itself was weird cos most of my carers had been single mothers! Met the 2 kids… they had a beautiful home, with a lovely back garden!!! It was near to school so I wouldn’t have to be ferried by taxis everywhere! It was just perfect,……until the day before I was due to move in! My social worker just told me, they weren’t going to be my carers, no reason, no explanation, just that…….
This is when the low times hit….. I sat on my bed, crying my eyes out, I hated the carer I was with…. She was clearly only doing it for the money… at about 6am, I got every bottle of tablets I could possibly find…mainly paracetamol and co-coda mol…. I got a pint of orange juice, and slowly, between catching my breath through sobbing, I took more and more tablets… all I can remember was throwing up about 8am… which is bang on when my cab would arrive to take me to school… I can remember getting in and holding back the sick for the entire journey… I got to school, I was always there before anyone else, I remember seeing my friend, Alice Boggis, and starting to cry… she asked me what was wrong….. The next thing I know I’m waking up in hospital….. Apparently I had passed out cold, my tutor called the ambulance and came with me to the hospital, I had my stomach pumped and then rinsed out with charcoal. I spent the next 3 days in hospital, and the next 3 years in counselling.

This is when I made a stand… no more carers, no more homes, no more being pushed from pillar to post… so I went into a bedsit, with supported housing! I had my own living room/bedroom, my own kitchen and my own bathroom SHIT I was a grown up!!!

From that day on I have lived on my own, and worked! Since then ive been married, been divorced, been in love, been heartbroken. But ive ultimately spent the past 13 years getting over my past demons! I’m nearly there… not quite… but nearly!!!!

Of course, in the above, there have been many more happy times than mentioned like stunning holidays and making fantastic friends, Meeting my dad for ultimately the very first time!….… but also many more sad times like losing my grandma...... losing my dog smelly, who was the only thing that’s ever stuck by me…..…. But I feel ive bored you enough with my life up until I was 15!

Sorry if you’re already asleep……

That's a bad upbringing, feel very sorry for you, you deserve a very good life now!
Old 20-07-2009, 08:54 PM
Dangerous Malcolm..
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I'm lost for words M.
Old 20-07-2009, 08:56 PM
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Nooooooooooo dont feel sorry for me guys!! its made me who i am today!!

a 28 year old weirdo!
Old 20-07-2009, 09:01 PM
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that actually brought a tear to my eye. i'll never moan about how shit i thought my life has been again
Old 20-07-2009, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Maria.
Nooooooooooo dont feel sorry for me guys!! its made me who i am today!!

a 28 year old weirdo!
I don't feel sorry for you, but in my experience there are two types of person bred from a "rough" upbringing (yes, I'm generalising, and may get shot down by some). There's the type that spurts what bad has happened to them, and uses it as an excuse. They might also tend to exaggerate. And then there's the type that just says "hang on, why should this past shit hold me back?", and make a good life for themselves and leave it behind, and do the opposite to the others and downplay it most of the time, and you're definitely from the latter.

It is pretty uplifting to hear stories like yours and Stu's, and many of the others on here. It really is amazing how many people have such demons in their closet, people who just seem completely "normal", 'cos guess what? Most of it is pretty normal, everyone has been through shit at some time. People like Maria are extreme cases (sorry, that sounds bad ), but a lot of people would hold this stuff back thinking their in a vast minority, when really they ain't!
Old 20-07-2009, 09:09 PM
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The way i have always thought all of my life though is ''there is always someone out there worse off than me'' and i think thats why i just try to 'get on' if that makes sense?
Old 20-07-2009, 09:21 PM
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Fucking hell Maria. Never had you down for having that hard a time of it

You've done well to get over it all and make something of yourself, as MikeC says basically.
Old 20-07-2009, 09:28 PM
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Guess it just goes to show, you can't judge a book by it's cover..
Old 20-07-2009, 09:30 PM
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Thats why on johns post about 'where do you go in life' ive said.. life ISNT always what you make it... sometimes its dictated in quite a big way for you!
Old 20-07-2009, 09:32 PM
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just thought id catch up with this thread,... and wow M thats not good at all

just a quick one from me,

born on 4th september 1991

was born at 10:30 pm and 7lb 3 oz, i was 3 weeks early !

now im not being big headed but i was told i was the cutest little baby, i was slightly jaundous so had a bit of a tan and even had hair and a hair style !

after 3 weeks i got a hemanjyoma at 3 weeks so looked like i had a black eye pmsl but we went to london and see a doc and he sorted me out

well went through my child hood and it was quite a good one to be fair, had a nice house with a pool lived with mum, dad, sister and brother, all was good,

well as things happen mum and pop split up and blah blah thats boring lol

when my sister was 17 she moved out of home and lived with her boyfriend, i missed her being at home really even though we didnt have the best relationship, i do think we had a better relationship after she had moved out, any time i had fallen out with my mum i could just walk over to her, it was only a couple of miles away she was/is always there for me

well few years later going through school years and it was good never had any big problems

had great mates and had sooo much fun i really do miss school sooo much now !!

all through the last two years in secondry school every bit of time off i got and weekends i went down the workshop, started really getting into mechanics

so then all the hours in the day was cars cars cars lol,

got my own car got building that and then college started,

this is up to date now really, i really hated the last year of college so now im doing a different course ! woo

one of the best things of my life has been lately, doing trackdays with my old chap and now getting the chance to drive, the scariest but best thing ive ever done

pretty positive tbh, i have had some really bad things happen through my life but its just them somethings i like to keep to myself, puts me on a downer otherwise !

Old 20-07-2009, 09:40 PM
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well done for writing that Maria!!

and no it wasnt boring and feel free to expand from when you were 15 to now if you want!!
Old 20-07-2009, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by J1mbo

now im not being big headed but i was told i was the cutest little baby, i was slightly jaundous so had a bit of a tan and even had hair and a hair style !

Where did it all go wrong?

I love ya really.
Old 20-07-2009, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Mal.
Where did it all go wrong?

I love ya really.
bugger i ment to put that in myself so no one would get it in
Old 20-07-2009, 09:42 PM
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Old 20-07-2009, 09:44 PM
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i've deleted mine and replaced it with a link to my site, after reading most of the other replies to this thread i realised i've been pretty lucky - lucky enough not to warrent the 1/2 page rant that it was..
Old 20-07-2009, 09:45 PM
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Dont be daft! bung it back ya wally!
Old 20-07-2009, 09:50 PM
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yeah... no,

it doesn't feel right being there.
Old 20-07-2009, 09:51 PM
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my god just looked at my post 2 and a half years ago dont seem that long ago i wrote it
Old 20-07-2009, 09:57 PM
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Geniunely shocked by your Life Maria. You know what, I think it would make a good movie. 'Tis a shame. Do you ever see your Mother now?

Old 20-07-2009, 09:57 PM
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Stu its not about "my pasts worse than your past". Your past is unique to you. So fucking what if you dont think its as bad as somebody elses.

The thread title says it all stu!!
Old 20-07-2009, 10:01 PM
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i've replaced the post with a link.. so if anyone actually wanted to read it.. they still can
Old 20-07-2009, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Benni
Geniunely shocked by your Life Maria. You know what, I think it would make a good movie. 'Tis a shame. Do you ever see your Mother now?

When i 'grew up' i tried to build bridges with my mum, but ultimately she cant see she has done anything wrong!! she thinks dumping her 10 year old is a perfectly ok thing to do!

She still drinks massively and she still lives in Crete. I last saw her 4 years ago, after i went over to crete purposely to try and make things good... but ultimately her drink is more important than her daughter.... havent seen her since...
Old 20-07-2009, 10:07 PM
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You don't need people like her. She'll only make you miserable, you are better off without her. I'll write mine now, even though it's boring, lol!

Old 20-07-2009, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Benni
You don't need people like her. She'll only make you miserable, you are better off without her. I'll write mine now, even though it's boring, lol!

Sorry benni but i seriously disagree with that.

At the end of the day, she's still her mum no matter what. Maybe one day she'll realise what she actually put Maria through and appologise. It might be unlikely and it might be too late for Maria to forgive her ( although i actually doubt that tbh ) there is always that chance.

Oh and when you write yours... don't forget to add some of the 'experiences' you had from the 'other' ford site that we first met on !
Old 20-07-2009, 10:14 PM
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Youre right, everyone does say that to me.. she IS evil and very very twisted.....


you only get one mum.
Old 20-07-2009, 10:15 PM
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Old 20-07-2009, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Mk1-stu

At the end of the day, she's still her mum no matter what. Maybe one day she'll realise what she actually put Maria through and appologise. It might be unlikely and it might be too late for Maria to forgive her ( although i actually doubt that tbh ) there is always that chance.

Really well said...
Old 20-07-2009, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Maria.
Youre right, everyone does say that to me.. she IS evil and very very twisted.....


you only get one mum.
and more importantly you cant choose her either

sounds a rough time maria,

now have some fun and forget her!
Old 20-07-2009, 10:26 PM
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Old 20-07-2009, 11:11 PM
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My Mum always said, life was like a box of chocolates... Joke, LOL! I was born on the 6th October 1986, which is ironic really as the song that was number one at the time has always meant something to me, and always been my favourite. Madonna – True Blue. The only thing I remember from when I was very young is a Cat I had called ‘Soap Powder’ which I spent my days chasing around the house. I’ve loved cats ever since, and I have two which mean more to me than anything in the world. I have an elder Brother and a younger Sister, who I am very close to. I’m kind of close to my Brother, but a lot of it is fake, and I actually don’t like him as much as people think. I was a very clumsy Child and I had many accidents, which usually involved doing things which had people questioning how I did it. I came very close to having an operation to remove a crayon from my nose when I was 8, and I never actually told anyone I’d stuck it up there, I just told them my nose hurt and when they seen the inside of my nose was red, I was rushed to hospital. A few people seen me and weren’t sure what it was, and then one Doctor pulled out the crayon with some tweezers, and I went home. I had many similar accidents, and I had made quite a name for myself down at the Children’s hospital.

I went through junior school a very happy Child, and we had a family holiday to Wales every year in my Dad’s Ford Orion, which were some of the best times of my life. There’s a place there were I still go to this day on my own if I am upset, and think of the old days. In junior school they always told me I’d become a comedian, and that I had a very wild imagination. If anyone had a story to tell and the register was about to be taken, they would be told to stop talking, but my teacher would let me talk all day if I wanted, which was fun, as sometimes I bloody well would. The funny thing was, if I wasn’t using my imagination, I was shy. Like if you asked me what I did over the weekend, I’d say ‘Nothing’. But, if you asked me what I would like to do over the weekend, I’d tell you something which would go on and on.

I was always well behaved in school, and I really enjoyed it. I was looking forward to the big kids’ school, as you called it. I couldn’t wait, and when my first day arrived I was nervous, but very excited. When I arrived I was put in a class full of maniacs, and nobody from my old school was in my class. When a chair got thrown on the third day, I was so shocked I thought I was watching crime watch, the school version. I eventually realised that if I couldn’t beat them, join them so I did. By the end of the year, I was the worst behaved in the class. I’d gone from a charming young boy who everyone liked, to a nasty little man who everyone hated. My parents were called in at least once a week, and by year 9 I was sent on an extra curriculum course, were by I spent 4 days a week doing things like go carting, building banger races, and sometimes days out on the bikes. We had a teacher called Mr . Corny, and we used to call him scrawny corny, but deep down he was a really nice man. When I turned up for school once on my own and the other lads never we went on a bike ride over the water, and we had a picnic and we talked about different things. He told me I should write a book, and tell people my view on the world, and my dislikes and likes. He said my imagination was a gift, and I should use it to make myself lots of money. I had big hopes until we returned back to school, and then I turned into a little bastard again, and it never went any further than that.
When I was 15 I developed what is known as encephalitis, which is water on the brain, and I was seriously ill. It all started out as me seeing things, like my Brother hitting me with a bag and flashing stars. I had this for a few days and it went away, then it came back and eventually I was off school with it. Everyone thought I was faking it, until I stopped breathing. People took notice then. I spent two weeks in intensive care, and then a few weeks in normal hospital where I recovered. When I returned home, my school had, had a whip round and bought me a mobile phone. That was nice, even though the school pissed me off so I smashed it up and left it all over the playground floor. Not the nicest of things to do, but I wasn’t losing any sleep over it at the time. All I wanted to do was piss off as many people as I could, and seeing as the school paid for it, I trashed it. Basically my teacher entered me into a competition for all the schools, and I won. It was to write a story, but then I was told I never wrote it, which was a load of crap as I did, so I got nothing for it. Hence why I smashed the phone up.

School amounted to nothing, and I left there and went to college, as to where I was studying graphics design. Whilst studying in college I broke my hip, and no-one seemed to realise this until a good 15 months had past. Only when my leg was ‘Hanging’ so to speak, did anyone realise what was up. Since then I’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis and epilepsy. However, both are under control with tablets, and the epilepsy fits are none existent.

Last year I returned to college and was given a placement on a graphics design course, which was good as the places were limited. But with days to go I was told the course was full, which was a load of shit as I had a place on it. Anyway, I decided to do my Maths and English GCSE which I did and I am now awaiting my results. I’ve also been accepted on a course this year, doing art and graphic design, which will lead me onto university with a bit of luck. I’ve also taken up body building, which is something I never thought I’d enjoy, but I am a full on addict, and I love it.

To sum my family up in one go, I’d say they’re a bunch of fucking cunts, a part from my Sister who I am very protective of, and is probably the only thing closer to me than my cats. My life has drawn me to many conclusions, the main one being a Woman's mind is like space. Many people have theories about what is going on, but we'll never know for sure. My favorite quotes are 'Your best friend is your pocket' 'No-one is hard with a ton of steel coming at them And last but not least 'Treat those how you wish to be treated'.

The end, Benni, Benni gump.

Last edited by Benni; 20-07-2009 at 11:19 PM.
Old 20-07-2009, 11:18 PM
Too many posts.. I need a life!!
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I dont agree with the you only get one mum/dad argument if your mum/dad is evil,heartless,rubbish or whatever then its far better to not see them.

im sure fred west's or Josef Fritzl's children would agree with me

im glad you've done well for yourself maria
Old 20-07-2009, 11:19 PM
Dangerous Malcolm..
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That was a pleasure to read Benni.
Old 20-07-2009, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Mal.
That was a pleasure to read Benni.
There was this one time I ran and I ran, and I just kept on running. But I never mentioned that bit. You should have seen my beard.

Old 20-07-2009, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by furqall
I dont agree with the you only get one mum/dad argument if your mum/dad is evil,heartless,rubbish or whatever then its far better to not see them.

im sure fred west's or Josef Fritzl's children would agree with me

im glad you've done well for yourself maria
I couldn't agree with you more mate.

Old 20-07-2009, 11:54 PM
Gary Krishna
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I was born on the 6th of July, 1982 about 6 weeks early after my mum fell all the way down the stairs leading to my mum and dads flat at the time. I am an only child.

When I was about 2 years old, my mum was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis which, over the following years got progressively worse eventually leading to her becoming wheelchair bound.

Up until I was about 8 years old, mum and dad tried to make things as 'normal' as they could for me but they didn't get on with each other very well and they only got married because I came along (or so my dad told me when I was older). Around late 1990ish, they got divorced. I was asked by both of them who I wanted to live with. I chose my dad as we were best mates. I can still remember the heartbroken look on my mums face.

My mum went to live with her sister in Wales, and my dad and me went to live with my grandparents in ramsgate.

After a year or so down there, my nan got cancer and sadly, after a year long, painful battle, she died. This is where my dad started to go downhill as he was very close to her. Shortly after we moved back to rickmansworth with my grandad.

In the following years my dad suffered badly with depression. Things were reasonably normal for me mainly due to my grandad stepping in and helping my dad when he was low. I led a pretty normal teenage life tbh.

I didn't really see as much of my mum as I would have liked due to the distance thing and school etc.

January '99 I got home from college and starting chatting to my dad. Was chatting for about 1/2 hour when he just slipped in 'oh, by the way, your mums died'!!! WTF!!! After sorting myself out, I asked when the funeral was and he replied 'earlier today'. He apparently knew for a few days but didn't want to upset me!! Well, I would say he made it a bit worse by not allowing me to go her funeral!!! Never really forgave him for that.

February 2000 and I passed my driving test!!! Woohoo!! I was the happiest man alive! LOL! Freedom!! Bought my first car, a mint, blue Orion 1400 equipe and I loved it! I couldn't wait to show my grandad!

I hadn't spoken to him for a few days so I thought I'd nip round and show him my car and have a chat. He never answered the door. I phoned my dad and he told me where the spare key was so I let myself in. He was asleep but I noticed his skin was really yellow. He said he was ok, just felt a bit funny. I called an ambulance as something wasn't right. He was in hospital about a month previous complaining of something with his stomach but they said there was nothing wrong. Turned out it was stomach cancer. A week or so later, he passed away. Both me and my dad were in bits. Just us left now. Couldn't believe how quick grandad health went downhill. If the truth be known, I'd say I felt a bit closer to my gramps than I was my dad, weird I know.

Over the next few years I just carried on as normal as I could. My dad lost his job as he had too many accidents. So as I was the only one with a job, I was left to pay the bills.

Eventually my dad started to have health issues, heart attacks, strokes etc, but never did anything to help himself, eg, smoking like a trooper, eating shit, sat in front of the telly etc. I started to get pissed off with him. He was throwing his life away. Everyone trying to help him but throwing it back at them. I just let him carry on in the end. What did I know? He was older and wiser. It got to the point where the only time we got on 100% was when we talked cars (which wasn't often) as it was also his interest.

I really tried to get on with him but he just made me so angry.

Unfortunately, at the end of January this year, as I was about to go out and wash my van, I walked down the stairs and found him on the floor. He was dead. He had suffered heart failure. I knew by the way he led his life, something like this was inevitable but he was only 60, should have had a few more years yet. Even though we didn't get on brilliantly towards the end, I'm still gutted and can't believe it's happened.

And so that just leaves me as I have no other family.

Still, that's life at the end of the day. I know there are people far worse off than I am.

Amongst the low points, I have had some good times and have got a few really good mates which have always been there and really have helped me
when I've needed them. They know who they are!

Hope I haven't gone on too much and bored the shit out of you all! LOL!
Old 21-07-2009, 01:08 AM
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You lost both your parents rather young Kitchen Devil. Do you mind if I ask, do you ever wonder what would have happened had you initially chose your Mum?

Old 21-07-2009, 07:18 AM
Gary Krishna
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Originally Posted by Benni
You lost both your parents rather young Kitchen Devil. Do you mind if I ask, do you ever wonder what would have happened had you initially chose your Mum?

Alright mate,

I have in the past wondered what it would've been like, but at the time when (when I was about 8) I didn't really understand what wouldve been best for me, I chose my dad because at the time, he was my best mate.

Now I'm a lot older, I realise that I probably made the right decision as, although she may have disagreed, I think my mum would have struggled with me due to her condition. I may also not have had the oppurtunities to do what I have been able to do.

Looking back, I really do wish I had spent more time with her and got to know her better but can't change the past.
Old 21-07-2009, 07:30 AM
Did Someone Mention TUV
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there are some upsetting stories here

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