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Benni 01-04-2008 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Metpol (Post 3202790)
Bloke sounds like a right tool and somewhat delusional...that will probably be the drugs or he has mental health issues and needs sectioning.

I feel for you mate as when your at home all you want is peace and not to be looking over your shoulder when washing your car. Sounds like you need to get the old bill on side as advising you not to wash your car when he is in is pretty crap advice and I for one would never tell you to do that. Why should your life and what you do be ruled by this bloke. As said by Arch I would be looking at Harassment now as this is a course of conduct. Hopefuly he will gob off to the old bill and they will add a bit of public order to the charge list.

Get back onto the Police or get your arse down to the nick to report him. They may give him a first instance harassment warning and if he continues then its a case of your F*cking nicked me old beauty.

Dont get drawn into a fight with him, firstly you say you have a disability.. do you want to be hospitalised or wheel chair bound for this loser and secondly he may have needles on him with all sorts of nasty germs on them. Let the Police deal with him and keep a record of whats happening.

It's drugs, I know it is. He's just not normal. His own mother has been back to my house and now apologised, told me he is paranoid and jealous. She told me herself, if I seen him normal you wouldn't think it was the same person. She was trying to tell me it's the drugs, without telling me.

I was never going to fight him, I don't have a problem with him. You can tell the moment he comes out the house he is after trouble, he WILL find something offensive, disrepectful what you are doing.

The police told me I did the right thing phoning them, but at the moment it's my word against his, so to stay out of his way. I'm sure I have read somewhere phone cameras cannot be used as evedince, is this true?


lockhead 01-04-2008 10:54 PM

well, here what i would do:
get a bat and put in your car or some other easy to reach place.
So the next time he starts wanking about, stand up and yell "Talk is cheap, bitch".
Either he ignores it, or he want to rumble. If he´s taking the fight. you take the bat.
Seeing you with a bat after you talked back will make him rethink some things. If not, well, don´t play baseball with that bat. And if non of your neighbours like him, nobody saw anything. And the cops will probaly take your side. Oh, and if you do fight him, make it brutal, so your sure he knows who not to fuck around with. Then the thug gets it the thug way.

g10ens 01-04-2008 11:00 PM

Some really funny quotes in that original post especially the one about the sponge pmsl...... Cant believe some people have actually taken this thread seriously though lol !!!

jolly 01-04-2008 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by Benni (Post 3202238)
I have a neighbor who lives up the road from he, he is always on drugs, and he has it in for me, just me. There's been a constant feud between us for over a year, I even Private Messaged a few members for there advice a while ago. Anyway, I don't even know him all that well, but he thinks he knows me. I will give you some examples of him.

Last year I was fixing a puncture outside my house on my bike, as he walked past he purposely stood all over the bike pump, it wasn't even in the way he walked over to it. No damage was done so I ignored him, he walked off and within 5 seconds he had turned round shouting random rubbish like 'You think you can disrespect me do you?' 'You think your someone don't you because you can pump a bike tire up'.

On another occasion I was sat on the wall sending a text, as he walked past he started shouting like raging maniac 'The cheeky fucking bastards talking about me'. 'He thinks he's someone because he owns a dog' I have ignored him, ignored him and ignored him.

Last week I was parking my car and he stood in the bay I was reversing into, shouting 'Run me over, I dare you, watch what happens'.

I phoned the police, they came and told me to ignore him, which I always do anyway, I just don't think it's very nice. Today, I was washing my car and he came out of his house with his girlfriend and she spotted me and they decided to walk the long way to just to go past me, I moved the bucket out of there way and next thing he was shouting at the top of his voice 'Grow some balls, then wash your car lad'. I continued to ignore him and he punched the wall, I still ignored him and then he said 'Me and you know, one on one lad, I'll show you how to wash a car you cheeky fucking twat'.

I told him a fight between us would never happen, as big as I am, I am full of disabilities, if he was to kick me in the back hard enough it could wheel chair me and I'm not going to spend my life in a wheel chair over some idiot. I asked him why he wanted a fight and he said 'Because your a cheeky fucking bastard, think your hard because you know the smiths'. I don't even know who they are, I told him this and all he could say was 'I'll put you on the floor and stand all over your head'.

Anyway, he began to walk away and my mum opened the door and asked was he causing trouble again and he stormed back off 'What's that fat slag saying about me, my bird will knock you the fuck out you cheeky fucking slag'.

I told him not to call my mum a slag again as he would regret it, he used to drive a car identical to mine, but he lost his license for dangerous driving and what have you, nothing to do with me.

I phoned the police and I’ve waited for the police to arrive, they did and told me to ignore him, as usual. They also told me to try and wash my car when he was out, at work and so on… Why should I? I’ll wash my car whenever I feel like.

Here are some of the funniest, useless things he has shouted at me.

‘Just because you’ve got a sponge in your hand, doesn’t make you hard lad, I’ll take you down, with or without the fucking sponge’.

‘You think you’re a gangster because you ride a bike, I’ll blow that pump over your head in a minute’.

‘You think you’re a gangster because you can beep your horn do you? I only beeped it by mistake and he actually came out of his house to have a go at me for it, I was polishing the car and knocked it with my back.

So, do I go the legal route and have them evicted from there council house, taking forever which will probably never come to anything, or do I follow him, find out his whereabouts and stand all over his jaw in a group of around 10 of us? The last thing I want to do, but do I have a choice?

It’s clearly all drug fueled violence, I even recall of an occasion when I was driving down the local village, he actually chased after me, on foot. Screaming ‘I’ll throw the car over on it’s roof’.

P.S Littlebrownbike off this forum has been threatened by him, he said he was disrespecting him because he opened the car door. 'Think your smart because you can open a car door, I'll put that door over your head'.

Thank's, Benni. :wall:

set his fucking house on fire pal i would without batting an eyelid, give sum scrote a few quid and a petrol can, fuckin job done, bye bye tosser!!!

RickyLee53 01-04-2008 11:45 PM

He's clearly jealous because he lost his lisense and you didn't. So he's decided to take it out on you.

Not much you can do really, but he will get bored 1 day, i'm sure of that.

RS Grant 01-04-2008 11:50 PM

Sponge quote is awesome... think I might have that for my sig... :cry: :cry: :cry:


Magic Numbers 02-04-2008 12:07 AM


Not good hearing this but one or 2 things I'd do if this ever came to light in a Court of Law,

Keep a diary of this fools actions and behaviour

Same goes for all the silly sayings he comes out with

I know its hard but do try and stay out of this Jobsworth way,

Also report him to your local council and see what they say

Keep reporting him to the Police, whinge enough and they may pay him a visit, even mention the drugs, might lead onto something else

If all else fails then move somewhere else or make him move! The latter being the better

Good for you standing your ground and not rising to it, certainly not doing any of the above mentioned ''batterings'' or whatever descriptions against him, well you know it will only make you as bad as him!

I hope you get it sorted, and my sponge is bigger than his!

Stavros 02-04-2008 12:51 AM

Is it me, or does every week Benni come out with another bizzare story like this?

Dad, girlfriend, neigbour, etc etc etc.

And you all still dont think he making it all up?

I say you should rape him Benni, rape him good. In the ass.


fish99 02-04-2008 01:43 AM

Anything can be brought forward as evidence, It will be for the courts to decide whether that the evidence you have can be given. The problems with camera phones is that they are digital, and with digital equipment they can be manipulated on a computer so the defence could argue thats what you have done. Im not saying that it cant be used as I know some of our video stuff is digital.

It may very well be your word against his but that doesnt stop you reporting him for harassment. Keep the diary and as also stated contact the local authority about this bloke.

dojj 02-04-2008 06:44 AM

you could always wait for him outside his house and give him a taste of his own medicine :)

but the diary thing seems best

jusu don't leave it somewhere your folks will find it so better to keep it online or jusy post up here in this thread when stuff happens :)

Turbocabbie 02-04-2008 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by Stavros (Post 3202969)
Is it me, or does every week Benni come out with another bizzare story like this?

Dad, girlfriend, neigbour, etc etc etc.


Glad its not just me thinking it, like a one man episode of Eastenders :cry:

Lee_R21Turbo 02-04-2008 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by Stavros (Post 3202969)
I say you should rape him Benni, rape him good. In the ass.:cry:

.....what with - he'd only be able to tickle him I'm sure?? :cry::cry:

wirralphil 02-04-2008 09:30 AM

Benni have you lived their long? or has the neighbour just moved in?

could you see the neighbour kicking off if someone went for him? or would he shove his little tail up his ass?

I have one word for the cunt BULLY! retaliate with a tirade of abuse next time when their is 2 of you, if he kicks back then blag the "smiths?" name or who ever it is, tell him to watch his back as he gonna get a tasty letter with a big punch.

deal him his own behaviour then he will listen. only last night my supervisor kicked off bounced his way down to me sayin all kinds of crap...

"you takin the piss they need them parts now fuckin make em"

Right a fuckin ay he got told they were made right if front of him"

the shit house walked off.......

Benni Stick up for yourself snarl if you have to... :bat:

dojj 02-04-2008 09:39 AM

pretend you are washing your car
fill the bucket with piss
when he comes with the big "i am" pour the bucket on his head


wirralphil 02-04-2008 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by dojj (Post 3203208)
pretend you are washing your car
fill the bucket with piss
when he comes with the big "i am" pour the bucket on his head


change the piss to suger and hot water then watch the fucker run and scream :cry:

dojj 02-04-2008 09:43 AM

i was originally going to say petrol and then run after him with a box of matches but i think that migh get young benster into trouble :)

wirralphil 02-04-2008 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by dojj (Post 3203212)
i was originally going to say petrol and then run after him with a box of matches but i think that migh get young benster into trouble :)

can Benni run? everytime we see him he is shittin an pissin :cry:

vinnyvangough 02-04-2008 10:32 AM

You just know that he's one of these pricks that will keep pushing and pushing you till you crack and hammer him. you can then guarentee that the cock head wil go runnin and screaming to the police like the true wanker he his.

RSrussell 02-04-2008 10:43 AM

He's a fucking comedian :cry: :cry:

Seriously though, if you can't take a punch for medical reasons get one of your mates to wind him up (should be easy by the sounds of it!) and take a slap/punch from him, then report it! (make sure you have witnesses though)

Benni 02-04-2008 12:28 PM

I've lived here over 10 years according to my mum, he's lived here about half that time. I will find an online diary website, as my handwriting is so poor it would be useless. I am going out to finish the car now if the weather is good, so will take my camera phone with me.

This morning, I was in bed and my sister said he walked past the house shouting 'Grass' with his girlfriend and his dog, so I assume he's not bothered about the police. However, I have told them he went past shouting at the house. I guess it's all noted down and will look good if I do end up in a fight with him.


CossieRich 02-04-2008 12:32 PM


do you require another kick in the right direction like with your girlfriend problems mate?

Benni 02-04-2008 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by CossieRich (Post 3203437)

do you require another kick in the right direction like with your girlfriend problems mate?

I'm good for now, I will PM you about the girlfriend, I have you an update. :shocked::DD:

CossieRich 02-04-2008 12:37 PM

Hurry up then :cry:

BigErn 02-04-2008 12:40 PM

Do you know who the "Smiths" are? He obviously thinks you do so play on it, tell him to fuck off or they will be round telling him for you.

Failing that, set fire to him. Pour petrol on his shoes and light it, its funny to watch.;-)

CossieRich 02-04-2008 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by BigErn (Post 3203450)
Do you know who the "Smiths" are? He obviously thinks you do so play on it, tell him to fuck off or they will be round telling him for you.

Failing that, set fire to him. Pour petrol on his shoes and light it, its funny to watch.;-)

surely for this greebo to actually mention the Smith's to Benni would mean he also knows them. So if he thinks Benni knows them why is he gving it billy big balls to Benni :cry:sounds like a complete plank to me :DD:

Martin-Hadland 02-04-2008 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by Metpol (Post 3202979)
Anything can be brought forward as evidence, It will be for the courts to decide whether that the evidence you have can be given.

Exhibit 1 Bicycle pump which has signs of pumping air recently
exhibit 2 Car sponge with traces of turtle wax shampoo
exhibit 3.....

CossieRich 02-04-2008 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by martin-reyland (Post 3203462)
Exhibit 1 Bicycle pump
exhibit 2 Car sponge with traces of turtle wax shampoo
exhibit 3.....

rofl :cry:

BigErn 02-04-2008 12:49 PM

It depends how this fella knows the smiths, does he know them and thinks Benni does so leaves him alone except the verbals, or does he know them to be some people who he doesnt want to fuck with so just sticks with the verbals as nothing has been done about it.

I recommend burning his feet, its hilarious. :cry:

Benni 02-04-2008 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by martin-reyland (Post 3203462)
Exhibit 1 Bicycle pump which has signs of pumping air recently
exhibit 2 Car sponge with traces of turtle wax shampoo
exhibit 3.....

FROFL! The turtle wax is now hidden with the sponge under the floor boards, I shouldn't of told you this on an open forum. :cry:

twoblacklines 02-04-2008 11:35 PM

Pour some petrol through his letterbox and then empty a matchbox full of unlit matches onto the carpet to soak up the fuel.

That should work a treat.

Failing that, if he only understands violence then give him violence, dont even say anything, dont gob off, just hurt the cunt, to the point where he wont even think of you without shuddering.

Or kneecap him, nails work, cant move knee due to nail, cant remove nail or knee will collapse. Then he wont be coming after you.

This is advice is advice given to me by someone else btw ;)

tonyrally 02-04-2008 11:57 PM

next time he is being a clever cunt just crack him as hard as u can....atleast then he will think twice about fucking with ya an he might gain a bit ov respect for ya. if it dont work out when you have cracked him then ring the police an say he atacked u get a couple ov neibhours to say he started on ya then it goes to court an u get a restraint order slaped on him its a win win situation ..

geoffxr4 03-04-2008 12:18 AM

Guy sounds like he has a screw loose. He must be mental if he goes around saying stuff like that

Magic Numbers 03-04-2008 12:23 AM

Some of the comments :cry:

Well if you twat him one, you are just as bad as he is in the eyes of the law!

rs_cos 03-04-2008 12:26 AM

give him a slap down a dark alley with no1 around make sure he dont know itz u tho. thats my view on it

dojj 03-04-2008 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by CossieRich (Post 3203461)
surely for this greebo to actually mention the Smith's to Benni would mean he also knows them. So if he thinks Benni knows them why is he gving it billy big balls to Benni :cry:sounds like a complete plank to me :DD:

this actually happen to my cousin
back in the day, there were 2 fairly violent indian gangs in southall

the holy smokes and the tooti nungs and my old cousin was one of their more crazy members (him and his mate hospitalized 15 out of the 16 guys they were rucking with, but seeing as they were 3rd and 4th dan blackbelts with a fairly good record in the full contact curcit this didn't surprise me :cry: )

one day my younger couisin recounted the tale of someone telling him to "be carefull, i know some hard nuts"

my cousin, being full of bravado knowing that his older cousin was a bit of the local hero (he's 7 years youbger than me, my nutty cousin is 16 years older than me so there is quite an age gap) gave it the big "yeah yeah, whatever"

so the other guy got his phone out and said he was baout to call this guy up, who would come down at the drop of a hat and kick seven shades out of him, and my cousin retaliated by telling him that there were peole he knew who would come down and there would be a proper ruck

anyway, then this other guy said "you best not be fucking around no more, i'm going to call my main man jas" and my cousin said "which jas?" and got a full description of my cousin to which he replied "there's his name in my phone, under cousin jas, do you want me to dial the digits?"

afer that he was left alone :cry::cry::cry:

my cousin jas is the son of my dads older brother
my other younger cousin is the son of my dads youngest brother

my cousins jas' oldest son is only 3 years younger than my youngest cousin so i doubt if he would have turned up in any case :cry::cry::cry:

James-W 03-04-2008 07:40 AM

Send the boys round!

SNP 03-04-2008 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by dojj (Post 3205203)
this actually happen to my cousin
back in the day, ........

Are you and Benni trying to out-do each other on the story front ?

Big G 03-04-2008 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by dojj (Post 3205203)

the holy smokes and the tooti nungs

Sounds like Summat from Cheech and Chong.

Benni - Are you a ginger downs step child, because it seems like no fucker likes you.

aurallis 03-04-2008 02:42 PM

what a joke those comments are actually funny.A thug comedian lol.

cheeky dog 03-04-2008 02:57 PM

sorry if im not helping but i seriously can't stop laughing at the things this guy says... i keep trying to take a sip of my drink but then keep aborting coz i can't stop laughing and i know i'll spit it all out.....

my opinion... make him primeminister,

honestly mate you'll have more fun being frineds with this character than having him evicted and never hearing thoses sorts of abusive comments for the rest of your life....

i wanna be you now... where do you live?

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