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cozzfather 15-09-2009 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Harris. (Post 4398714)
As i said to you on sunday mate ,there out of order . least you have found out he aint a true friend !!

I hope you get this sorted . i had the same problem 3 years ago, i bought 2 gaz coilover kits ,one for my car and one for my mates . he fitted his kit and said he would pay me the money back on the day of our classic ford mag shoot (we done a head to head) he turned up with no money and ive not heard from him since , was £350 too . WONT be doing that again :wall:

harris,classic ford ???

you must be related to Ron then eh??

Harris. 15-09-2009 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by cozzfather (Post 4398749)
harris,classic ford ???

you must be related to Ron then eh??

No mate just the same surname ;-)

Benni 15-09-2009 09:42 PM

Years ago my mobile phone went missing. It was a spare one so I didn't notice it. It was a Motorolla, blue facia with a pop up aerial. Anyway, I eventually came to use it and couldn't find it anywhere. I decided to phone it, and see what the score was when I got the voicemail message 'Hi, this is Nathan Chandler, please call back when I am free'. Which was strange as this was the voice of my best friends little Brother, so I knew right away he had stolen it and his Brother was using it. Talk about rub it in your face. I went round there and confronted him and he became very embaressed. He eventually told me his little Brother had stolen the phone which I knew was a lie. His little Bro' was a nice kid and wouldn't do that. Eventually he came clean and we fell out.

Years later at a party with my Girlfriend he was there and we got talking and I noticed him and my Girlfriend talking and when I went over they went quiet. At the time I never thought much of it but after we broke up she admitted she kissed him when he went out for a fag. So he took the piss out of me twice now, which isn't very nice. I'm going to run the cunt over when I next see him. It's ate at me inside knowing this.


SS1 15-09-2009 11:30 PM

It all boils to the the knock on the the door or the phone call ..yo mate need a favor

been there done that :wall::wall::wall:

you get it back in dribs and drabs :cry:

RickDraper 15-09-2009 11:56 PM

Every week tbh. I buy the first pint and the last tbh and he never offers to get them in first and last. TBFH it grates after a while.

natehall 16-09-2009 12:00 AM

one rule: Never profit from someone you consider a friend.

Rs Baz 16-09-2009 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by The Sludge (Post 4398561)
ive been ripped off massively by a so called best mate in the last few weeks. Well pissed off tbh about it. Im the one made to feel bad about it all, yet they seem to have no conscience, ie phone calls, popping round the house to sort and then have the audacity to ignore me at ford shows on my stand!!!!!!! :angry:

who is this then sludge, what did he rip you off with

alistairolsen 16-09-2009 07:25 AM

Yeah, A very good friend and long term flatmate still owes me £250 in bills a year on...

Odds on seeing that again?

As said, money is the fastest way to fuck up a friendship, I just refuse to do people favours nowadays.

Glenn_ 16-09-2009 07:36 AM

I havent really been ripped of by friends but ive helped loads out in the past and havent got any favors back off them.

XRdodgybird 16-09-2009 07:43 AM

When my mum passed away I loaned a total of £360 to a mate of mine to help her out with a phone bill debt and to pay the deposit on her car insurance so she wouldn't be without. Despite the promises of "I will pay you it back, you know I will", she then never bothered with me for over 2 years. I was pregnant at the time and renovating my mum's old house to live in. Despite the fact that this so called mate had only lived round the corner from me and knew where I lived she never came to see me or the house, or my baby, even though I had done so much, in addition to the money for her and her daughter.

When she did txt me to say she wanted to come see me I told her to f**k off and that I wasn't starting that again.

A local garage owner who'd employed her and she'd taken advantage of the good nature of his brother told me that if I had paid £300 to get rid of her, then I'd done well.....

RANJ 16-09-2009 08:31 AM

yes £3500.00 quid a few years back, lent him as he was in debt , havnt heard from him since. id known him 8 years

k3nnyF 17-09-2009 07:45 AM

ive been pretty lucky tbh. not had any such problems

mozzy 17-09-2009 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by Elvis (Post 4271581)
i have had a £500 Microphone nicked buy a "mate"

and someone i reallt trusted fucked me for a good £700.

I would Fuck you for 700 quid to..... even though i am not gay 700 is alot lol

The Sludge 20-09-2009 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by Rs Baz (Post 4399043)
who is this then sludge, what did he rip you off with

you may know him baz? Drives a moonstone 3dr with engine built by Harvey Gibbs.

Me missus got him a contract dongle on vodaphone for him, and admittingly paid for 12 months. Then he used a load of GB (25gb in total) his maximum was 3gb and got charged £15 for each gb used.

He hasnt paid it us back totalling £368-things tight with missus on maternity pay etc. The best thing about it is his missus won £9000 on deal or no deal.

Bought themselves a nice £1200 camera, but we aint seen a penny of money owed to my missus.


Just glad we were not able to complete a £3000 loan for em as they wanted us to be guarantors for em. It was only refused cos missus was on maternity so take home pay wasnt the same.

Should be grateful for little mercies. I got out light i think.


I gave every opportunity to get things sorted but enver returned my callls, and never made the ffort at national day. Shame cos i thought a lot of him as a mate. Obviously it wasnt a 2 way thing sadly.

peterrowley1 20-09-2009 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by The Sludge (Post 4271057)
Following on from my post of what would you do for a mate, have any of you been ripped off by a mate? If so what for? What happened as a result of being ripped off?

Tell them the hole truth Sludge. Trust me your gonna have the last laugh i promise you

peterrowley1 20-09-2009 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Benni (Post 4398800)
Years ago my mobile phone went missing. It was a spare one so I didn't notice it. It was a Motorolla, blue facia with a pop up aerial. Anyway, I eventually came to use it and couldn't find it anywhere. I decided to phone it, and see what the score was when I got the voicemail message 'Hi, this is Nathan Chandler, please call back when I am free'. Which was strange as this was the voice of my best friends little Brother, so I knew right away he had stolen it and his Brother was using it. Talk about rub it in your face. I went round there and confronted him and he became very embaressed. He eventually told me his little Brother had stolen the phone which I knew was a lie. His little Bro' was a nice kid and wouldn't do that. Eventually he came clean and we fell out.

Years later at a party with my Girlfriend he was there and we got talking and I noticed him and my Girlfriend talking and when I went over they went quiet. At the time I never thought much of it but after we broke up she admitted she kissed him when he went out for a fag. So he took the piss out of me twice now, which isn't very nice. I'm going to run the cunt over when I next see him. It's ate at me inside knowing this.



peterrowley1 20-09-2009 04:40 PM

Hey Sludge i rekon it was porn he was looking at LOL

The Sludge 20-09-2009 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by peterrowley1 (Post 4407866)
Tell them the hole truth Sludge. Trust me your gonna have the last laugh i promise you

id love to pete mate. Theres a time and place thou for it :king: Theres a messers meet comin to you soon :cry::cry::cry:

peterrowley1 20-09-2009 04:48 PM

Really!! Oh dear, feel for them already......

peterrowley1 20-09-2009 04:55 PM

Lets face it making money on something your selling is one thing but a friend you trust and needs help rips you off is another.

Im very surprised as i thought him to be honest thought he was a good bloke too

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:10 PM

me too-what did my head in was all the slagging off of other people and then was nice to evryone in front of em.

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Harris. (Post 4398714)
As i said to you on sunday mate ,there out of order . least you have found out he aint a true friend !!


:king: very true mate. Thanks for your support and was great to speak to you on Sunday. The car is ace :king:

dave cos4x4 20-09-2009 05:21 PM

get round there Ian and sort it out, one way or another.;)

peterrowley1 20-09-2009 05:21 PM

Think im not gonna answer as im sure its on everyones lips!!!.

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by dave cos4x4 (Post 4407978)
get round there Ian and sort it out, one way or another.;)

Ive tried the nice route tho dave and it aint worked :sad: he aint spoke wont speak etc and i aint the type of person to get heavy as you know mate:oops::oops: Then slags me off to others......

dave cos4x4 20-09-2009 05:34 PM

will have to get tough though Ian.:(

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by dave cos4x4 (Post 4408013)
will have to get tough though Ian.:(

I know i should mate but it aint me mate, just me nature pal :oops: What can ido if he wont call etc, wont speak caused me and me best mates TonyF and Richrs2k to fall out over him and cost me my reputation at the owners site:bat:He nearly had a fight with me mate rich in the pub.

They cancelled the direct debit to vodaphone 3 weeks ago cos of the argument we had over it all.

Benni 20-09-2009 05:41 PM

Link doesn't work mate.

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by Benni (Post 4408029)
Link doesn't work mate.

allo benni pal hows you:king:

it does, but as its afree ipbboard it surges thorugh the trash adverts

DanW@FastFord 20-09-2009 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by peterrowley1 (Post 4407866)
Tell them the hole truth Sludge. Trust me your gonna have the last laugh i promise you

If he's not going to pay up then you may as well dish the dirt ;-)

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by DanW@FastFord (Post 4408039)
If he's not going to pay up then you may as well dish the dirt ;-)

alrite dan hows you :king: some things are best not being posted aint they fella

cozzfather 20-09-2009 05:54 PM

i saw the deal or no deal where the big brummie girl was showing noel her cossie,i got the impression it weren't a rs500 but was wearing rs500 stuff which is like saying ello noel i'm a knock off nigella

The Sludge 20-09-2009 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by cozzfather (Post 4408063)
i saw the deal or no deal where the big brummie girl was showing noel her cossie,i got the impression it weren't a rs500 but was wearing rs500 stuff which is like saying ello noel i'm a knock off nigella


TONY F 20-09-2009 06:09 PM

hi sludge really sorry to here what has happened, if you need any help give us a shout :top:

The Sludge 20-09-2009 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by TONY F (Post 4408100)
hi sludge really sorry to here what has happened, if you need any help give us a shout :top:

:top::top::top::top: appreciaie your help and back in contact

TONY F 20-09-2009 06:20 PM

no worries m8 :top:

peterrowley1 20-09-2009 07:07 PM

Fuckin hell Tony thought youd fallen off the planet,where u been??

TONY F 20-09-2009 07:18 PM

i,ve got back into match fishing again pete so not really had any time for cars :oops:

DanW@FastFord 20-09-2009 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by The Sludge (Post 4408048)
alrite dan hows you :king: some things are best not being posted aint they fella

Yeah, fair play mate. 'Discretion is the better part of valor' and all that!

mozzer 21-09-2009 05:38 PM

nice reading

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