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Old 30-07-2013, 09:43 PM
McCloud 85
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Originally Posted by cossie legend
nice work. it wud be nice to see what the weld on the sill looks like from the inside. I done this on mine too but I feel it will rot again were the weld heated it from the inside and its hard to seal it properly to stop me worrying that I wasted my time welding it and itll be as bad in a couple of years.
How long has this type of repair lasted for others before it rusts again.
Its nice to see a nice bit of welding and proper time spent making patches
This was my concern when I was fitting and lining the panel up - the main seam down the outer sill was fitted with an overlap join of about 1mm. This was so that I made sure I didn't have any blow throughs on the weld and to make sure it 'sealed' all the way along. This issue with this is you possibly make a lip on the inside which can catch water/condensation and rot. So my solution to this was to blast as much Dinitrol cavity wax into the box section as possible and where I wasn't sure drill more holes on the inside to get to the more hard to reach places. Hopefully that should make the repairs pretty rust proof... But this is still an old Ford!