Thread: Which turbo?
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Old 12-09-2009, 11:05 AM
focus rs 1672
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Originally Posted by morph
well here's one for you to keep if your proved wrong!
your not very confident in yourself

prove me wrong the now,why do i need to wait,u still tryin to figure out how etch a sketch works to make your graph

christian cant get 300 from a t3,tim couldnt get 300 from a t3,AVA cant get 300 from a t3,karl norris cant get 300 from a t3 but morph can . or should that be jamsport can get 300 from a t3,why didnt stu collins run a t3 then instead of the truck turbo he's got on may fool the homies down at mcdonalds with your special turbo talk but theres a lot of people on here with a lot of knowledge of tuning rst's,ffs you could tell me comp ratio from a comp test so seriously your knowledge is minimal,my 11year old even knows you cant tell comp ratio from a compression test.coming on here biggin up your car its obvious people want to see proof.but its the internet its full of shit chattin,and until theres solid proof your car makes 300bhp then its hearsay.

im asking myself why do i need to wait???maybe ur hopin this dies down and goes away or maybe your changing turbo's to get 300 and get that alusive graph we've all been waiting for,then you can prove youve got 300,but not on a t3,christian offered you a free rr session and u chickened out yet u were willing to bet money to others,thing is christian would know fine well what turbo u have got on with lookin and then he'd have the proof to post,which i assume woldmake u look a bigger cock

your spec points to a good 250-270bhp,but thats only if thats your spec and you really do own a car