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Old 22-02-2008, 11:53 AM
MY BOY, this peace is what all true warriors strive for.

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Default PassionFord Is Back

Welcome Back to PassionFord, now running vBulletin.
We realize this is sudden, and we're sorry we couldn't give you any advance notice. Whether it was through a compromised account or a security flaw in phpBB, someone was deleting old threads, and we had to take this step without further delay - and without giving this person an incentive to delete even more content. Now that we are on vBulletin, we have much better capability to track these things.

From the user perspective, the experience should be familiar. phpBB and vBulletin have very similar operation. From the moderator perspective, it will be easier to manage threads & track down people who try to skirt around bans.

Status of Features from the Old Board
  • Gold Memberships - These will be coming back soon.
  • Trader Accounts - These will be coming back soon.
  • Trader's Banners - These will be coming back soon.
  • The Garage - This will not be available for a few weeks. Our original plan was to create a vBulletin-compatible version, and then switch over to vBulletin after it was ready. Unfortunately, we had to do the upgrade now to address the security issues, so we haven't had a chance to port it over. We have a developer who will be working on this soon.
New Features
  • Pages are compressed, so they load quicker.
  • Everyone can have their own custom title. The automatic "10K+ Super Poster!!" etc. ranks are still here, but you can override them with your own text if you prefer.
  • Regular members get to store 100 private messages.
  • Gold members & traders get to store 500 private messages, and upload images directly to the forums for use in their posts.
  • Moderators will also get large PM storage and better capabilities than the old board offered.
  • There is now a reputation system.
  • There will be a portal on the front page, rather than a redirect that goes straight to the forums.
  • We can easily install modifications such as iTrader, which is designed to allow members to rate other members on sales that they have done.
I've pulled an all-nighter to make this happen, and I need to get some sleep! I got some of the mods reinstated, but not all. I will be back later to finish the job.

Pardon Our Dust
After a move like this, there are bound to be some settings that are out of order. Please bear with us while we get everything sorted.

A Note About Account Security
While I've got your attention, your password should be impossible to guess, and it should not be the same one you use anywhere else. If you are using an easily guessed password, or the same password you use somewhere else, or you haven't changed it in a long time, now would be a good time to pick a new one.

Post here rather than starting new threads about it. I can keep track of this thread very easily. I cannot keep track of several threads that are lost among a sea of other subjects, that might be off the front page before I even have a chance to see them.

If you forgot your password

If you can't stay logged in
Make sure your browser is not set up to reject cookies from Clear your cookies, and make sure you tick the "Remember Me?" box when you are logging in.

If you were thinking about PMing me
Don't I don't want to get 50 PMs about the same thing. Just post in this thread.

Last edited by IB Admin; 25-02-2008 at 06:25 PM. Reason: Added advice on lost passwords & staying logged in