Thread: ulitmate orange
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Old 09-10-2006, 04:33 PM
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It includes no ephedrin, instead of ephe. they take bitter orange ( synephrin ) but syneph. is by far not as potent as ephe. and both are alpha agonists. Rest is coffein and bla bla. So if you want to be 24 hours on the feet, take a "good" dose and see what happens.
For fat burning is it totally contraproductive because of it's alpha way; for fat burning you must go the beta 2 way. Ephe. + syneph. has both a 20% to 80% range of beta to alpha agonists. But syneph. is not so good binding to the receptor.
The only way to stop the alpha way is to take a alpha antagonist ( Yohimbine ) which is a potent alpha antagonist. But 20% of beta for fat burning is like pissing in a river.
Best for fat burning is Clenbuterol, but it's only legal by prescription and under control of a physican.
If you only want to be alert and hype, take it.


