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Old 16-12-2005, 07:11 PM
Lee Reynolds
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Originally Posted by AJ


*i know theres a 'H' in Tottenham but the joke wouldnt be the same then
Would it have been funny then?

Old 16-12-2005, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Chipperx2
Yes our Country is a much better place than the States IMO, as for EscortWRC he's just the perfect example of what I said above about Americans being insular. If you actually lived here you would realise that we pay taxes for reason here. Although we dis the NHS its always been there for me in a time of need, if I'm hurt an ambulance comes and gets me and the Paramedic doesn't check if I have health insurance before treating me.

If the shops are just round the corner we walk, the news isn't filled with crap telling us to be scared of a paving stone, or the black man that might steal everything from us. IMO thats no way to build a society. Go watch Fox news
You obviously don't know jack shit about our health care 'system' and should not speak like you do.

First of all, there are 2 distinctly different types of hospitals here. Public and Private. Public hospitals CANNOT turn you away if you can't pay, PERIOD. Private ones are a different story. So before you start giving yourself props based on 'socialized medicine', get the facts. The truth of the matter is that its MUCH easier for ILLEGAL immigrants to get health care than it is for a single mother who is a legal resident by birth.

You're also confusing California with the rest of the country, and that should NEVER be done. California is made up largely of tree-hugging liberal whiners, movie star types, and wannabe's, and illegal immigrants of various nationalities. Obviously this is GROSSLY oversimplified, but will do for the sake of discussion. Basically, California is the red-headed stepchild of the US and doesn't represent the bulk of the population in demographics or policies. It is probably the most liberal state in the'd fit right in.

Additionally, you presume to know quite a bit about me on a personal basis, which you obviously don't. Yes, its true that I have strong opinions on some subjects and for those I do not apologize. I have no problems agreeing to disagree on some subjects, but that doesn't seem to be good enough, you persist in beating the same dead horse for some reason.

If you don't like MY opinions, get some of your own. But don't presume to preach 'the gospel' about how things are over here, from all the way across the pond, it just doesn't fly.

You don't read insidious drivel here from me telling you how things should be in your country, how about extending those of us who live places other than your homeland the same courtesy?

Oh, BTW, the only thing wrong with the execution was that it took more than 20 years for 'due process' in our judicial system. That's the only REAL tragedy in this situation.
Old 16-12-2005, 10:54 PM
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As said before, I was saying you were insular as alot of Americans are, you said it yourself, you would shut the boarders and not have anything to do with the rest of the world, problem being, you can't just thrust the American way on the whole world and then just shut up shop, use your loaf .

I can accept you will know more about your own health system. What I think you don't like is your challenging attitude, some of your right wing crap doesn't "fly" here, all I'm doing is giving you a debate, not a personal offence, just showing you another side of the coin, opinion-wise. I also don't like being refered to as a liberal, I'm proberly not as liberal as you think or may be lead to belive from your reading of me .

Moreover I actually like "debating with people like you, Ie. Strong opinions of subjects, its a good way to learn about the world and the different people who live in it, not just the same old mince where people just lie down and accept it evan though they disagree with what someones saying

Now come on, what next?
Old 17-12-2005, 02:27 AM
Iain Mac
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The USA is the ONLY other country in the world, apart from Scotland, that I would consider living in.

Sure it has some problems, and some things I don't like, but it has a lot of values that I share and I think it deserves respect.

Just don't ever confuse a country and its people with its politicians! Shit, most Iraqis are (probably) OK people. Can't say for sure, because I've never been there.
Old 17-12-2005, 04:55 AM
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I'm not trying to afflict the rest of the world with our way of life. In fact, I'd rather exclude them.....hence my desire to close the borders. You seem to be confusing me with our current president.

What really cracks me up is that you fault me for exactly the same thing you do.....

What's up with the hypocrisy ?

If this is such an awful place to live, why do illegals flock here in droves risking everything up to and including their lives just for a CHANCE to live here ?
Old 17-12-2005, 09:18 AM
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Yeah I know, don't get me wrong, my cousins gonna marry a Yank and I will come out to visit. Its not a bad country to live in just has faults , not that Britain doesn't.
I didn't say you were afflicting the world with your way of life, I mean the country or government does. Fair enough about stereotyping all the countrys population into one group my bad

I don't understand this closing the boarder nonsense, how is this possible with Mexico and Canada at the top. The US has an obligation IMO just as Britain does too house those people it puts out in times of war and people who need asylum desperatly. Do you think multiculturism is wrong?

PS. Have a good Christmas, keep your fingers crossed for my application to the RAF
Old 17-12-2005, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Chipperx2
The US has an obligation IMO just as Britain does too house those people it puts out in times of war and people who need asylum desperatly. Do you think multiculturism is wrong?
EscortWRC does think it's wrong. I think he fails to understand, whether you came on the Mayflower or a Pan Am flight, you're just as an American as George Bush is, no matter what your background. Even if someone snuck across the border, married an American and got their US citizenship - it doesn't matter. Because that person is now my fellow American. What does "United We Stand" mean to you, EscortWRC I wonder??

As for those who think the UK is the best place to live, remember this:

Old 17-12-2005, 05:26 PM
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Define 'asylum'

What is this 'obligation' you speak of ?

My problem is not with those immigrants who are here legally, its the illegals that irritate me. They divert resources that would be better utilized for other issues. Ask single mothers how difficult it is to get health care when they can't cover it out of their own pocket.

Take a look next door in France to see the problem with open immigration policies. Those 'riots' were just a warm-up act for what's coming.

What does 'United We Stand' mean to me......

It means that WE stand up to all foreign threats, terrorists, etc TOGETHER rather than some part of the population being 'sympathetic' to their FORMER country and/or countrymen. You can't live your life sitting on the fence here, pick a side and live with your choice and its consequences. If you support terrorism, you're not one of us. Just for the record, Timothy McVeigh (IMO) was NOT one of us, he was a terrorist.

You can be born here and still be 'un-American' in my book. You can be born elsewhere, be here legally, and still be American in my book.
Old 17-12-2005, 09:03 PM
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I just think your strongly patriotic, as I am about the UK, it is where I was born and my Familly are British. I do agree with you on 99% of what you say and belive, you strike me as a guy that likes what .he likes , because he wants too, not because he has been told too plus your a Floyd fan

As for the obligation, if a country invades another and leaves thousands without a home and food etc, are they not supposed to provide for them and build them more houses etc

Would you not agree that both British and American foreign policy breed terrorism and extremism, how would you feel if your "race" was being killed your country invaded and occupied for what looks like to you the sake of western profits and people?
Old 17-12-2005, 11:09 PM
Iain Mac
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Originally Posted by Chipperx2
how would you feel if your "race" was being killed your country invaded and occupied for what looks like to you the sake of western profits and people?
I think you'll find that America has already experienced some of that - just ask an Indian (or is it Native American, nowadays?)

I don't see any obligation on a warring country to open its doors to people from a land they have just invaded, but they should make efforts to care for civilians in that country.

That would, however, be a whole lot easier if the insurgents (or French Resistance in WW2 days) would stop blowing things up.
Old 18-12-2005, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by EscortWRC

Take a look next door in France to see the problem with open immigration policies. Those 'riots' were just a warm-up act for what's coming.
France's issues has to do about treating people of colour as second-class citizens, and only giving the best of what society has to offer to the 'whites' France is going through what America went through with the race riots of the 60s with the 'Blacks'

Originally Posted by EscortWRC
What does 'United We Stand' mean to me......

It means that WE stand up to all foreign threats, terrorists, etc TOGETHER rather than some part of the population being 'sympathetic' to their FORMER country and/or countrymen. You can't live your life sitting on the fence here, pick a side and live with your choice and its consequences. If you support terrorism, you're not one of us. Just for the record, Timothy McVeigh (IMO) was NOT one of us, he was a terrorist.
No, you can be proud of the hertiage you are from (Chinese, Mexican, Arab, etc.) and yet, be loyal to the United States. Just because your are an American, does not mean you 'give up' your heritage, or support the administration currently in power. Nearly half of Americans don't back Bush nor did they want America invading Iraq. Does that make them 'un-American'?? Isn't supporting Bush in invading Iraq, actually supporting State-sponsored terrorism on the Iraqi people?

Tim McVeigh/Terry Nichols were Americans. Just because they created terrorism, does not make them un-American. They are criminals. Wouldn't you agree that the Boston Tea Party was also an act of 'terrorism'?

Bush is the enemy of a true America. He allowed spying of Americans without court-ordered warrant. He allowed an American (Jose Padilla) to be held without charge for over two years. He pushed the Patriot Act which is in contradiction to the Bill of Rights. Everything our nation's forefathers fought for, was stripped away from our liberty as citizens. We are becoming a Stalanistic police-state.
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