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Old 14-09-2006, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

You cant possibly REALLY expect someone like graham to actually read any of that do you?

He's ONLY interested in the consiparacy stuff, not the reasons its all crap. LOL
How true..... some people only hear what they want to hear
But it is still an interesting read

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
F. Who Killed Biggie and Tupac? and are they really dead? Or are they making a remix with Elvis?

G. Where the hell is Amersham?
Old 14-09-2006, 10:22 AM
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I didn't manage to watch the vid Graham posted last night.

But I did watch some of the first chapter of Path To 911 which I thought was really good (so far).
Old 14-09-2006, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Originally Posted by chip-3door
4) The US government ignored many minor warnings cause it was arrogant

5) The US government tried after to hide that any such warning existed
I do believe that. I Believe at times the Yank Gvt. Is so Fecking Arrogant like we're here to save the worlds or are the only one's who can do it (meanwhile ignoring their own backyard).

As much as I don't like Eminem here's a Brilliant line from one of his songs....

I'm ALL for America, FUCK the Govt.

Oh and like Carlsworth... I too somehow believe about the 12 Disciples theory but no worries, I'm not going to fill up half this Forum with posts about it!

The movie "Team America World Police" sums it all up wonderfully.

Although poodle blair didnt feature, so we were robbed of some much deserved pisstaking
Old 14-09-2006, 12:17 PM
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In response to new information I've re-written my theory on what -really- happened on 911, pepare to be shocked.

There's no doubt about it, the government wanted more power because they are hungry for power, that's what people in government always want. And that’s all of them too, even the poorly paid hard working secret agents want the government to have power, that’s why they never speak up and tell the truth.

They needed an excuse to invade Iraq and the only logical way to do this was to fake terrorist action by Saudi lead terrorists based in Afghanistan. This was all done because Bush loves oil and has been known to drink up to 23 pints of it a day.

They organised for two American Airline flights to land at top secret military airports, the pilots and flight crew were all agents, and they transferred all the passengers to different planes and flew them to the secret Island from The Prisoner so they couldn’t communicate with their families. The planes were then sent back up into the sky and flown by remote control systems, we know this is possible because the American military once looked into remote piloting technology and then the project disappeared, it’s only logical that the project went ‘deep black’ and illogical the military found it all a load of bollocks. This factual evidence is backed up by the use of remotely flying spy drones that are used by the American government to spy on us all. To make this work with an airliner the technology simply needs to be scaled up using bigger electric servos to steer the controls in the plane. I called up a Trevor Smith who makes model airliners for a living and had the following conversation:

MWF: “Do you think it is possible that the American military has the technology to remotely pilot aircraft from the ground?”
Trevor: “It’s hard to say, the American military has looked into allsorts of projects, remotely piloted planes would solve a lot of problems. Pilots are an expensive asset to the military and have a lot of physical limitations such as g-forces with limit the capabilities of the aircraft”
MWF: “Physical limitations like being able to fly into buildings you mean?”
Trevor: “Well not that specifically but I guess with a pilot-less plane that could be an option, but planes don’t come cheap you know.”
MWF: “They are cheap to the government though.”
Trevor: “Well cheap compared to an aircraft carrier maybe.”
MWF: “So you agree that the government probably has remotely piloted aircraft and could use them to destroy buildings?”
Trevor: “Well I’m sure it’s probable and I guess you could fly them into buildings if that was your objective.”

There was no need to use a real plane for the strike on the North Tower. They knew nobody would be looking when it happened and faked the footage from the French Bros (actually two agents) video. You can see it's fake because if you invert the image on frame 119 and use the 'find secrets' filter on Paint Shop Pro you can make out the initials of a Pixar employee in the smoke, 119 backwards is 911 which shows an evil twist to this fact. Further proof of this can be seen if you bring up a picture of the hole in the North Tower and compare it to a picture of an American Airline plane from Google images, measure the plane using your thumb and forefinger and then put your hand over the hole, spooky, they don’t match, not even close. Looks like somebody screwed up!

When it came to the attack on the South Tower the government thought it best that they stage the attack in full public view of the world in the hope nobody from the Internet would take much notice. A remote control plane was used for this. To get through the glass of the building they had to use missiles which is why you can see a pod fitted to the front of the plane. If you scan in a black and white newspaper print and use an 'enhance' filter like Scale 500% on Photoshop you can see this. Agents working for the government digitally erased the missiles on all footage while it broadcast live, the government can do this, even with home video cameras. The need to use missiles to break through the outer skin of the World Trade Centre Towers is one of the reasons why no real plane was used on the North Tower.

Meanwhile to make it all look genuine Bush insisted he act like a total pleb during the attack and sit listening to school kids read before legging it to Air Force One and promptly buggering off to a safe bunker to cower in. The launch of NOAC was all part of the act to make us feel they were doing something.

After these two attacks there were concerns from Bush that it wasn't terroristy enough, worried bored viewers might switch over if something else didn’t happen soon the government ordered the towers be demolished. Agents had already planted bombs in the building, not normal bombs, EMP weaponry based ones which give off no visible explosion like characteristics such as a blast of light or any movement.. You can tell this is faked because the buildings fell a lot like tower blocks do when they colapse during demolision. On top of this some fire-fighters commented afterwards “It was like boom boom boom boom as the floors all feel onto one another, it sounded like bombs going off.” Bombs going off? Fire-fighters are trained professionally in these situations and can easily tell the sound of a bomb going off, especially when fleeing from a collapsing tower block screaming. I interviewed James Davis world Jenga champion and expert in the dynamics of a tower falling to the ground.

MWF: “James when a tower collapses what affects the speed it will fall to the ground.”
James: “Well gravity is always going to be the key factor, that and the mass of the object, or if there’s other objects in the way.”
MWF: “This other objects issue, it’s a major one right?”
James: “Well yeah, obviously a tower can’t fall down if there’s stuff in the way.”
MWF: “Obviously indeed. And a tower can’t just fall through itself can it?”
James: “That’s complex, it would depend on the circumstances really.”
MWF: “But if those circumstances were controlled?”
James: “You can make anything happen in controlled circumstances.”
MWF: “Exactly, but if you don’t have the control.”
James: “Well I guess anything can happen.”
MWF: “Such as the tower toppling to the side.”
James: “Yes.”
MWF: “Or falling town slower.”
James: “I don’t see why not.”
MWF: “So in a controlled environment you could have towers collapsing right through themselves but in an uncontrolled environment they could topple or fall down slower, or maybe not at all?”
James: “That makes sense.”

So if an expert things you need a ‘controlled environment’ to collapse a tower at the speed of freefall then how could the towers have fallen that way without assistance? Because they couldn’t have, that’s why. The next lie the government tells us is that the heat from the fire in the towers weakened the steel structure to the point it folded and this started the collapse. This is laughable and shows the government are getting desperate and opening huge flaws in their story. For starters anyone who knows the basics of steel production knows that heat is used to make steel not destroy it and if jet fuel can burn so hot it melts steel then why don’t jet engines on planes destroy themselves as soon as they are started! It was time to go back to the experts here again so I contacted a specialist in metal deformation, Uri Geller.

MWF: “Uri, let me start with the basics, when you bend spoons is there heat involved.”
Uri: “No, no not at all. Many people think this but they aren’t thinking here you know [points to heart] I bend spoons using the power of what’s up here [points to head].”
MWF: “So lets say I took a spoon, poured jet fuel on it and set it on fire, would that achieve the same thing as you do?”
Uri: “Ha ha ha ha that would be an extreme way to try and bend a spoon, you’d be crazy to do that.”

I don’t blame Uri for laughing and calling that idea crazy, because it is crazy.

Around the same time as the attack on the South Tower the government ordered a missile fired at the Pentagon for good measure. By looking like they were attacking their own then people wouldn’t think they’d attack innocent Americans. To dupe the highway full of traffic infront of the Pentagon the missile used was painted in the same livery as an American Airlines plane so the witnesses would just think it was further away than it really was. While they were distracted by the missile flying past and hitting the Pentagon agents lept out of bushes and pushed over the lamposts. We know this had to be faked because if you listen to a live broadcast during the event a mother in Arkansas can be heard to say it the hole in the Pentagon looked a bit small. Incidentally this live footage has never been played live since, you have to ask questions why. Perhaps it’s because the hole in the Pentagon was too small. Lets look at the facts, the Pentagon is made up of think stone walls and special glass designed to withstand the blasts of bombs. But this wasn’t a bomb this time, it was an airliner made of aluminium and full of jet fuel. It’s stupid to think that the plane would just break up on impact. Looks like the government screwed up again!

While this was all happening the second agent who was supposed to be remotely piloting the other hijacked plane spilt coffee on his lap and crashed the airliner into a field in Pennsylvania.

Later that night one of the secret government agents realised that he'd left his secret agent disguise and the secret plan documents in WTC7 so as not arise any attention the government had that blown up too.

Further evidence something was amiss is that major Hollywood actors have started asking questions. This has to be taken seriously because many of these have been in action movies which had terrorists as lead characters. Some even know people who have played terrorists in movies and revealed non of them knew how to fly a plane.

On top of this if you read the investigation report the company who supplied the diggers to the construction company that cleared up the rubble at ground zero they have an investor who also owns a company that knocks down buildings called "tower demolition" if you take the first letter from all the employees names in 1987 you can form the anagram "Consprisy" which almost spells Conspiracy.

Makes you think doesn’t it? How can people believe the crap they are fed from all these government officials, the countless stream of propaganda from qualified experts all supporting their claims. The blatant massive amounts of footage which has clearly all been tampered with, nothing is ever that blatant and obvious. Thankfully there’s people like me out there willing ask a few questions and when lied to find answers I want to hear. Needless to say we’ll never know the truth behind this because people like me don’t want to accept the governments version of the truth. But I’ll leave you with this The Truth Is Out There.
Old 14-09-2006, 12:32 PM
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MWF - best post EVER on PassionFord.

End of.

Old 14-09-2006, 12:32 PM
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Old 14-09-2006, 01:47 PM
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(couple of spelling mistakes though, correct them quick before it gets pasted all over the net!)
Old 14-09-2006, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by chip-3door
(couple of spelling mistakes though, correct them quick before it gets pasted all over the net!)
I swear those mistakes weren't in their when I posted it

Someone here must be trying to make me look stupid so my research isn't believed

If I get banned guys you know why, nowhere is safe from the agents.
Old 14-09-2006, 02:10 PM
Lou Lou.
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MWF Superb read
Old 14-09-2006, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by MWF
Originally Posted by chip-3door
(couple of spelling mistakes though, correct them quick before it gets pasted all over the net!)
I swear those mistakes weren't in their when I posted it
Or that spelling mistake?
Old 14-09-2006, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by RichardPON
Originally Posted by MWF
Originally Posted by chip-3door
(couple of spelling mistakes though, correct them quick before it gets pasted all over the net!)
I swear those mistakes weren't in their when I posted it
Or that spelling mistake?
Rich ALL spelling mistakes in my posts are added by agents trying to make me look bad, as are any comments I make that are totally wrong, opinions people don't like and there's those fakes pics of me on a bouncy castle in my underpants with other men.

I mean look at what they do to Ima's posts, he's apparently quite inteligent and sociable in real life.
Old 14-09-2006, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Fiddy UK
Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Oh and Fiddy UK.
That's the GREAT thing about OUR Countries, We can say what we want about our leaders/Government. Let's see them do that where Terrorist/Supporters Hold Govt.
its all good and well having the freedom of speech, everyone can run around, and say what they want. but it makes no difference what so ever when the powers that be dont listen. that film highlighted perfectly what i mean, all those people, turning over all those stones, finding out incrimanating information, pointing fingers and naming names, and 5 years down the line, nothing has changed, the same people are still in power, not listening, and doing as they please. and is the world now a safer place in 2006 than it was in 2001 ? no it isnt, everyone is in fear that something like this will happen again.
Safer in 2006 then 2001? no, but also no safer than any of the previous years before that.

My point is, at least wether right or wrong, good or bad information you are "Allowed" to investigate.
Again back to my point... Try to do THAT in those Terrorist/Dicator/Backed countries. As far as the same people in power No President stays in "public" power for more than 8 years.
Old 14-09-2006, 03:29 PM
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I nominate MWF's post as post of the Year!!

This had me in stitches!!

Further evidence something was amiss is that major Hollywood actors have started asking questions. This has to be taken seriously because many of these have been in action movies which had terrorists as lead characters. Some even know people who have played terrorists in movies and revealed non of them knew how to fly a plane.
Old 14-09-2006, 04:55 PM
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i could not be arsed to read anymore of that drivel after the first few paragraphs

remote airliners.....

just cause an expert was cohersed into a "probabale" explanation, doesnt mean it happened like that....

but then, for some reason i did read the rest of it, and soon realised it was scarchastic drivel......

you must be bored of your own life to write that much
Old 14-09-2006, 05:11 PM
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MWF - Classic post, loved it!
Old 14-09-2006, 05:23 PM
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You'd all do well William Engdals 'A century of war' to see just what HM Government and it's US equivalent are known to have done from late the late Victorian era to Desert Storm to 'influence' world events before poo poohing
blokes from Bucks or anywhere else.
I'd like to run a book on his odds of dying of old old though!
Old 14-09-2006, 05:24 PM
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Old Age obviously guy's
Old 14-09-2006, 05:33 PM
Graham S1
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Originally Posted by RichardPON
It'll be just as plausible as "Loose Change" and their "this video can't be Bin Laden as his religion forbids him from wearing gold rings and here he is wearing a gold ring"
So you haven't watched it yet then.

Originally Posted by 89XR2
It's a good video that presents lots of viable facts. But it's still all just theories i'm afraid.
Such as......? Facts and theories are the same thing are they?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
1) I genuiney believe that the US govrenment did NOT plant bombs all over the twin towers,
Never said US Government did.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
2) IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
And where I live has WHAT exactly to do with the price of fish?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Was in fact just a conspiracy to trick us into believing it was worth watching then?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
The sort of controlled fall you would get when one story gave way, causing some stories above it to fall and it all just come down step by step as it continually built into a bigger and bigger mass slowly that crushed the successive floors below?
Please explain using your all knowing knowledge, how it gained mass, when most of the sttel and concrete was being ejected sideways out of the building?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Kind of like what would happen if you flew an airplane into it halfway up and it then caught fire complete with all the fuel and weakened the steel?
All the steel. Even 5 floors down? 20 floors down? 40 floors down?

Originally Posted by Thrush
Originally Posted by chip-3door
IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
That IS funny
Did I say I caught them out? Again, whats the price of fish?

Originally Posted by DogSmoke
Anyway that's just guesswork (like these videos ),
Another one who hasn't bothered to watch even part of it.

Originally Posted by Keith B
or whatever is really insulting to the people who were there that day - besides the gross stupidity on the part of the theorist. Get an education in life.
I have PLENTY of life education mate. If you saw any of this, you will realise it's the families who are more insulted by the lies of the 911 Comission.

Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

Yeah, really looks like they know what they're on about.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

You cant possibly REALLY expect someone like graham to actually read any of that do you?

He's ONLY interested in the consiparacy stuff, not the reasons its all crap. LOL
Oh you know me so well! And how do you know this about me?

Originally Posted by Dannn
Surely you just need to stand back and apply some common sense to all of this. There is no way on earth the US goverment could have direct involvment in all of this. There would simply be too many people involved to keep quiet.
Exactly. Very few people at the top would have known the grand plan. Most would have just been "carrying out orders" or simply doing there job.

Originally Posted by Graham S1
sooo, what did Henry Kissenger have to do with 9/11?
Bueller?... Bueller?......

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Having watched "The path to 9/11" the other day. And that was based on facts
Errr. and so is this film. It has however, public domain records and documents to back it up. Unlike "Path to 911".

Originally Posted by Rich_w
They knew about them, and they could of killed/arrested/captured some of them. But they chose not to act. And thats as far as US Government involvement went. Not direct, but indirect as above.
That make it alright then.

As Chip says, they made the most of a bad situation.[/quote]

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Dont expect me to waste time watching these crappy half truth "documentaries" showing how George Bush was at the controls of UA175
If you won't watch it, how can you possibly take part in this thread?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Oh and as an edit. IF somebody wanted to demolish the WTC with explosives, why not just use a sodding great truck bomb in the underground car park.
Well, it didn't work the first time.

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Why go to all the hassle of getting aircraft.
Why the hassle of bringing the buildings down? Wouldn't planes flying in be enough to "shock and awe" people into going to war, with an "enemy" that the US had funded in the decade previous.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
bush did not blow up towers....
if you look carefully, you can see 2 planes fly into them,....
and WTC7?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
I bet that graham is on some forum for this 9/11 stuff somewhere and spends all day talking to people who tell him we are all brainwashed by the system etc and that only those that believe in elvis and diana blowing up the towers with alien technology after george bush paid them to with oil money are inteligent enough to see the truth
Actually I have a job during the day, much like most people. And although I browse a 911 forum or two, I don't particpate that often.

Do you have an Elvis/Diana obsession?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.
carbon based fires melting steel? When was the last time your BBQ collapsed because the charcoal was too hot? Carbon fires cannot get much over 800 deg.

The first firefighters to reach the 79th floor, said they would be able to put the fires out with just two water lines.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."
Please explain how burning desks, carpets computers etc burn hot enough to weaken steel?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin,
I thought NIST abandoned their "pancake" theory?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air--along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse--was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."
Again, pancaking has been abandoned by NIST. And how did a pressure blast occur on the 20th floor, and then one appear on the 40th floor? And how did one appear on the 100th floor when the first plane hit?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Demolition expert Romero regrets that his comments to the Albuquerque Journal became fodder for conspiracy theorists. "I was misquoted in saying that I thought it was explosives that brought down the building," he tells PM. "I only said that that's what it looked like."
He wasn't the only one.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by biglee
and each tower came down completely in under 10 seconds....thats the speed of free-fall....HOW???
I dont believe that if you time the collapse accurately and then time something free falling it would be the same, didnt look it to me, but i havent actually done those timings personally so cant comment further.
Go on.. give it a try. Although it won't stop you commenting further will it?

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tonnes acting with Gravity is quite quick. But what gets me is that the nutbags often quote 10 seconds as if its too fast? Would they prefer it to drop slowly?
thought the steel was high tensile stuff and was tested to melt at 2000 deg....could be wrong tho...[/quote]

Naaahh, UL don't bother testing anything, they say "yeah that'll do"

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tones at free fall works out to be 10.76 seconds at normal atmospheric pressure, it worries me that there is no resistance, there sould be some sort of delay when floors fall onto floors over a certain mumber of floors lets say 100 over 100 floors you would expect a delay from free-fall of at least an added 1 second or so prehaps more......

what you think?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Yet the Nutbags cant fathom this and shout cover up, instead of accepting the truth.
Do you include the families in this "Nutbag" jibe?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Have just watched the whole video.

Totally and utterly supports my own views:

1) It WAS terrorists not elvis

2) It was planes not bombs

3) It wasnt anything to do with the government

4) The US government ignored many minor warnings cause it was arrogant

5) The US government tried after to hide that any such warning existed

What did you see in that film that i didnt graham?
Did i miss the bit where bush ordered the planes to fly into the buildign?
Again, I never said other wise in THIS post. However points 3-5 show that you STILL haven't watched it. Have I ever accused Bush of ordering the attacks? No.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Uhm, before you go any further realize that the company that produced this film/TV "Show" Got the same super secret Intel info from where Graham did.
No, this film "Press for Truth" is about the families.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Mine and Taryn's good mate is dead. No theory, NO conspiracy, FACT.
My sincerest condolences. I hope one day the real killers are exposed.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
A. Why did our gas/fuel prices rise so much ( I know you guys already think our fuel is cheap but when it rises the way it did some here go crazy! LOL)
And why have fuel prices risen so much since then? Nothing to do with OPEC obviously.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
C. Why "on purpose" make so many people/countries not like us (It's bad enough loads of us don't like the Bush Admin. We don't need clueless fools who read garbage on the net not like us either thinking we're all Bush supporters... WE'RE NOT!)
Ahh, but most Muslims think any Westerner is a Bush/Blair supporter because we voted them back in. Didn't we?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
E. When/Where and How did Graham become such a Politician? and how is he still not in office? I mean, what he's saying is the truth and no Politician ever lies to their people/ Govt!
Funnily enough I've been thinking of standing as an independent in the local elections, with 911 being just one of many issues.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
F. Who Killed Biggie and Tupac? and are they really dead? Or are they making a remix with Elvis?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
G. Where the hell is Amersham?

Originally Posted by Fiddy UK
its all good and well having the freedom of speech, everyone can run around, and say what they want. but it makes no difference what so ever when the powers that be dont listen.
And thats the cause of a LOT of problems, not just terrorism. But nobody here seems to be bothered about that.

Originally Posted by MWF
I didn't manage to watch the vid Graham posted last night.

But I did watch some of the first chapter of Path To 911 which I thought was really good (so far).
Then you may want to retract that post of yours. How about I send a copy of it to some of the families in this film?

Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
MWF Superb read
I'm sure some of the families in this film will agree with you.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
remote airliners.....
No mention of remote airliners in this film.
Old 14-09-2006, 05:53 PM
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A 'Terrorist Backed country' oh oh Fox news alert!
Old 14-09-2006, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by MWF
I didn't manage to watch the vid Graham posted last night.

But I did watch some of the first chapter of Path To 911 which I thought was really good (so far).
Then you may want to retract that post of yours. How about I send a copy of it to some of the families in this film?
I have no intention to upset the families who lost people due to 911.

If people think I should remove then I will do that out of respect.
Old 14-09-2006, 06:15 PM
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Really cant be fucked to reply to all that, but you are wrong i watched that whole documentary right through, found it quite interesting, it just did NOT say it was aliens to the government etc, or prove any conspiracy other than to cover up some incompetance afterwards, OF COURSE THEY DID THAT, it goes without fucking saying thats what politicians ALWAYS do
Old 14-09-2006, 06:37 PM
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Graham, I cannot go into talking to you regarding this subject as it would be like talking to a bent politician.

All I am going to say did you take drugs when you were young if not

then you are a total and utter FUCK WIT
Old 14-09-2006, 11:45 PM
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I'm not going to spend the rest of my night quoting everything so just a couple snippets here and there..

Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Uhm, before you go any further realize that the company that produced this film/TV "Show" Got the same super secret Intel info from where Graham did.
No, this film "Press for Truth" is about the families.
This is the best reason why you're a great conspiracy theorist.. totally ignored what I was talking about and put in your wrong two pence worth. I was talking about the made for television show but like a true C.T you try to convince the reading public that what you wrote IS the truth. Nope... try again.

Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by Fastmaul
C. Why "on purpose" make so many people/countries not like us (It's bad enough loads of us don't like the Bush Admin. We don't need clueless fools who read garbage on the net not like us either thinking we're all Bush supporters... WE'RE NOT!)
Ahh, but most Muslims think any Westerner is a Bush/Blair supporter because we voted them back in. Didn't we?
Speak for yourself mate, I didn't vote for Bush unless you did? I didn't for Blair either because well, I can't LOL.

Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by Fastmaul
F. Who Killed Biggie and Tupac? and are they really dead? Or are they making a remix with Elvis?
Hmm I wonder if they'll do a remix of Jailhouse Rock? FPMSL

Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
MWF Superb read
I'm sure some of the families in this film will agree with you.
Same as some of the Families want this conspiracy crap to go away.

Old 14-09-2006, 11:56 PM
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Graham S1

loved loose change....

i really would like to know where the gold trains went to after the crash

in the underground tunnels

ive heard nothing about it ..on the net or tv ....

have you any reports about this .....
Old 15-09-2006, 08:29 AM
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One of the world's largest gold depositories was stored underneath the World Trade Center, owned by a group of commercial banks. The 1993 bomb detonated close to the vault, but it withstood the explosion, as did the towers. Seven weeks after the September 11th attacks, $230 million in precious metals were removed from basement vaults of 4 WTC, which included 3,800 100-Troy-ounce registered gold bars and 30,000 1,000-ounce silver bars.
Old 15-09-2006, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
MWF Superb read
I'm sure some of the families in this film will agree with you.
Obviously i was comenting on his wit not the actual circumstances

This is a subject i actually dont like to comment on being the tradgedy it was even tho i have seen the conspiracy film!!
Old 15-09-2006, 12:42 PM
Graham S1
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Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
This is a subject i actually dont like to comment on being the tradgedy it was even tho i have seen the conspiracy film!!
Do you mean Loose Change? This thread is about "Press for truth", an entirely different film altogether.

Avid... have you watched this one?

Anyone see "Mock the Week", last night. Taking the piss out of the recent "liquid explosives" plot. FPMSL.
Old 15-09-2006, 12:54 PM
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Not sure what it was called tbh, only really go on the pc at work so not had a chance to have a look at 'Press for Truth' im sure i will at some point tho.
Old 15-09-2006, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by RichardPON
It'll be just as plausible as "Loose Change" and their "this video can't be Bin Laden as his religion forbids him from wearing gold rings and here he is wearing a gold ring"
So you haven't watched it yet then.
Yes. Watched it start to finish.

Also studied analytical history at Uni for four years, and if you can't see why the whole film is flawed due to its dependance on it not being bin Laden in that taped "confession" then yuo need your head tested.

Where is your impartiality?
Old 15-09-2006, 03:20 PM
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this one is very very convincing, only just realeased too (13th sept)

i'm convinced.
Old 15-09-2006, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by RichardPON
It'll be just as plausible as "Loose Change" and their "this video can't be Bin Laden as his religion forbids him from wearing gold rings and here he is wearing a gold ring"
So you haven't watched it yet then.

Originally Posted by 89XR2
It's a good video that presents lots of viable facts. But it's still all just theories i'm afraid.
Such as......? Facts and theories are the same thing are they?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
1) I genuiney believe that the US govrenment did NOT plant bombs all over the twin towers,
Never said US Government did.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
2) IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
And where I live has WHAT exactly to do with the price of fish?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Was in fact just a conspiracy to trick us into believing it was worth watching then?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
The sort of controlled fall you would get when one story gave way, causing some stories above it to fall and it all just come down step by step as it continually built into a bigger and bigger mass slowly that crushed the successive floors below?
Please explain using your all knowing knowledge, how it gained mass, when most of the sttel and concrete was being ejected sideways out of the building?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Kind of like what would happen if you flew an airplane into it halfway up and it then caught fire complete with all the fuel and weakened the steel?
All the steel. Even 5 floors down? 20 floors down? 40 floors down?

Originally Posted by Thrush
Originally Posted by chip-3door
IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
That IS funny
Did I say I caught them out? Again, whats the price of fish?

Originally Posted by DogSmoke
Anyway that's just guesswork (like these videos ),
Another one who hasn't bothered to watch even part of it.

Originally Posted by Keith B
or whatever is really insulting to the people who were there that day - besides the gross stupidity on the part of the theorist. Get an education in life.
I have PLENTY of life education mate. If you saw any of this, you will realise it's the families who are more insulted by the lies of the 911 Comission.

Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

Yeah, really looks like they know what they're on about.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

You cant possibly REALLY expect someone like graham to actually read any of that do you?

He's ONLY interested in the consiparacy stuff, not the reasons its all crap. LOL
Oh you know me so well! And how do you know this about me?

Originally Posted by Dannn
Surely you just need to stand back and apply some common sense to all of this. There is no way on earth the US goverment could have direct involvment in all of this. There would simply be too many people involved to keep quiet.
Exactly. Very few people at the top would have known the grand plan. Most would have just been "carrying out orders" or simply doing there job.

Originally Posted by Graham S1
sooo, what did Henry Kissenger have to do with 9/11?
Bueller?... Bueller?......

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Having watched "The path to 9/11" the other day. And that was based on facts
Errr. and so is this film. It has however, public domain records and documents to back it up. Unlike "Path to 911".

Originally Posted by Rich_w
They knew about them, and they could of killed/arrested/captured some of them. But they chose not to act. And thats as far as US Government involvement went. Not direct, but indirect as above.
That make it alright then.

As Chip says, they made the most of a bad situation.
Originally Posted by Rich_w
Dont expect me to waste time watching these crappy half truth "documentaries" showing how George Bush was at the controls of UA175
If you won't watch it, how can you possibly take part in this thread?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Oh and as an edit. IF somebody wanted to demolish the WTC with explosives, why not just use a sodding great truck bomb in the underground car park.
Well, it didn't work the first time.

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Why go to all the hassle of getting aircraft.
Why the hassle of bringing the buildings down? Wouldn't planes flying in be enough to "shock and awe" people into going to war, with an "enemy" that the US had funded in the decade previous.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
bush did not blow up towers....
if you look carefully, you can see 2 planes fly into them,....
and WTC7?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
I bet that graham is on some forum for this 9/11 stuff somewhere and spends all day talking to people who tell him we are all brainwashed by the system etc and that only those that believe in elvis and diana blowing up the towers with alien technology after george bush paid them to with oil money are inteligent enough to see the truth
Actually I have a job during the day, much like most people. And although I browse a 911 forum or two, I don't particpate that often.

Do you have an Elvis/Diana obsession?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.
carbon based fires melting steel? When was the last time your BBQ collapsed because the charcoal was too hot? Carbon fires cannot get much over 800 deg.

The first firefighters to reach the 79th floor, said they would be able to put the fires out with just two water lines.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."
Please explain how burning desks, carpets computers etc burn hot enough to weaken steel?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin,
I thought NIST abandoned their "pancake" theory?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air--along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse--was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."
Again, pancaking has been abandoned by NIST. And how did a pressure blast occur on the 20th floor, and then one appear on the 40th floor? And how did one appear on the 100th floor when the first plane hit?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Demolition expert Romero regrets that his comments to the Albuquerque Journal became fodder for conspiracy theorists. "I was misquoted in saying that I thought it was explosives that brought down the building," he tells PM. "I only said that that's what it looked like."
He wasn't the only one.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by biglee
and each tower came down completely in under 10 seconds....thats the speed of free-fall....HOW???
I dont believe that if you time the collapse accurately and then time something free falling it would be the same, didnt look it to me, but i havent actually done those timings personally so cant comment further.
Go on.. give it a try. Although it won't stop you commenting further will it?

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tonnes acting with Gravity is quite quick. But what gets me is that the nutbags often quote 10 seconds as if its too fast? Would they prefer it to drop slowly?
thought the steel was high tensile stuff and was tested to melt at 2000 deg....could be wrong tho...[/quote]

Naaahh, UL don't bother testing anything, they say "yeah that'll do"

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tones at free fall works out to be 10.76 seconds at normal atmospheric pressure, it worries me that there is no resistance, there sould be some sort of delay when floors fall onto floors over a certain mumber of floors lets say 100 over 100 floors you would expect a delay from free-fall of at least an added 1 second or so prehaps more......

what you think?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Yet the Nutbags cant fathom this and shout cover up, instead of accepting the truth.
Do you include the families in this "Nutbag" jibe?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Have just watched the whole video.

Totally and utterly supports my own views:

1) It WAS terrorists not elvis

2) It was planes not bombs

3) It wasnt anything to do with the government

4) The US government ignored many minor warnings cause it was arrogant

5) The US government tried after to hide that any such warning existed

What did you see in that film that i didnt graham?
Did i miss the bit where bush ordered the planes to fly into the buildign?
Again, I never said other wise in THIS post. However points 3-5 show that you STILL haven't watched it. Have I ever accused Bush of ordering the attacks? No.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Uhm, before you go any further realize that the company that produced this film/TV "Show" Got the same super secret Intel info from where Graham did.
No, this film "Press for Truth" is about the families.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Mine and Taryn's good mate is dead. No theory, NO conspiracy, FACT.
My sincerest condolences. I hope one day the real killers are exposed.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
A. Why did our gas/fuel prices rise so much ( I know you guys already think our fuel is cheap but when it rises the way it did some here go crazy! LOL)
And why have fuel prices risen so much since then? Nothing to do with OPEC obviously.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
C. Why "on purpose" make so many people/countries not like us (It's bad enough loads of us don't like the Bush Admin. We don't need clueless fools who read garbage on the net not like us either thinking we're all Bush supporters... WE'RE NOT!)
Ahh, but most Muslims think any Westerner is a Bush/Blair supporter because we voted them back in. Didn't we?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
E. When/Where and How did Graham become such a Politician? and how is he still not in office? I mean, what he's saying is the truth and no Politician ever lies to their people/ Govt!
Funnily enough I've been thinking of standing as an independent in the local elections, with 911 being just one of many issues.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
F. Who Killed Biggie and Tupac? and are they really dead? Or are they making a remix with Elvis?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
G. Where the hell is Amersham?

Originally Posted by Fiddy UK
its all good and well having the freedom of speech, everyone can run around, and say what they want. but it makes no difference what so ever when the powers that be dont listen.
And thats the cause of a LOT of problems, not just terrorism. But nobody here seems to be bothered about that.

Originally Posted by MWF
I didn't manage to watch the vid Graham posted last night.

But I did watch some of the first chapter of Path To 911 which I thought was really good (so far).
Then you may want to retract that post of yours. How about I send a copy of it to some of the families in this film?

Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
MWF Superb read
I'm sure some of the families in this film will agree with you.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
remote airliners.....
No mention of remote airliners in this film. [/quote]

i just wanted to quote all that
Old 15-09-2006, 05:22 PM
Graham S1
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Originally Posted by GARETH T
Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by RichardPON
It'll be just as plausible as "Loose Change" and their "this video can't be Bin Laden as his religion forbids him from wearing gold rings and here he is wearing a gold ring"
So you haven't watched it yet then.

Originally Posted by 89XR2
It's a good video that presents lots of viable facts. But it's still all just theories i'm afraid.
Such as......? Facts and theories are the same thing are they?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
1) I genuiney believe that the US govrenment did NOT plant bombs all over the twin towers,
Never said US Government did.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
2) IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
And where I live has WHAT exactly to do with the price of fish?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Was in fact just a conspiracy to trick us into believing it was worth watching then?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
The sort of controlled fall you would get when one story gave way, causing some stories above it to fall and it all just come down step by step as it continually built into a bigger and bigger mass slowly that crushed the successive floors below?
Please explain using your all knowing knowledge, how it gained mass, when most of the sttel and concrete was being ejected sideways out of the building?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Kind of like what would happen if you flew an airplane into it halfway up and it then caught fire complete with all the fuel and weakened the steel?
All the steel. Even 5 floors down? 20 floors down? 40 floors down?

Originally Posted by Thrush
Originally Posted by chip-3door
IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
That IS funny
Did I say I caught them out? Again, whats the price of fish?

Originally Posted by DogSmoke
Anyway that's just guesswork (like these videos ),
Another one who hasn't bothered to watch even part of it.

Originally Posted by Keith B
or whatever is really insulting to the people who were there that day - besides the gross stupidity on the part of the theorist. Get an education in life.
I have PLENTY of life education mate. If you saw any of this, you will realise it's the families who are more insulted by the lies of the 911 Comission.

Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

Yeah, really looks like they know what they're on about.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

You cant possibly REALLY expect someone like graham to actually read any of that do you?

He's ONLY interested in the consiparacy stuff, not the reasons its all crap. LOL
Oh you know me so well! And how do you know this about me?

Originally Posted by Dannn
Surely you just need to stand back and apply some common sense to all of this. There is no way on earth the US goverment could have direct involvment in all of this. There would simply be too many people involved to keep quiet.
Exactly. Very few people at the top would have known the grand plan. Most would have just been "carrying out orders" or simply doing there job.

Originally Posted by Graham S1
sooo, what did Henry Kissenger have to do with 9/11?
Bueller?... Bueller?......

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Having watched "The path to 9/11" the other day. And that was based on facts
Errr. and so is this film. It has however, public domain records and documents to back it up. Unlike "Path to 911".

Originally Posted by Rich_w
They knew about them, and they could of killed/arrested/captured some of them. But they chose not to act. And thats as far as US Government involvement went. Not direct, but indirect as above.
That make it alright then.

As Chip says, they made the most of a bad situation.
Originally Posted by Rich_w
Dont expect me to waste time watching these crappy half truth "documentaries" showing how George Bush was at the controls of UA175
If you won't watch it, how can you possibly take part in this thread?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Oh and as an edit. IF somebody wanted to demolish the WTC with explosives, why not just use a sodding great truck bomb in the underground car park.
Well, it didn't work the first time.

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Why go to all the hassle of getting aircraft.
Why the hassle of bringing the buildings down? Wouldn't planes flying in be enough to "shock and awe" people into going to war, with an "enemy" that the US had funded in the decade previous.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
bush did not blow up towers....
if you look carefully, you can see 2 planes fly into them,....
and WTC7?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
I bet that graham is on some forum for this 9/11 stuff somewhere and spends all day talking to people who tell him we are all brainwashed by the system etc and that only those that believe in elvis and diana blowing up the towers with alien technology after george bush paid them to with oil money are inteligent enough to see the truth
Actually I have a job during the day, much like most people. And although I browse a 911 forum or two, I don't particpate that often.

Do you have an Elvis/Diana obsession?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.
carbon based fires melting steel? When was the last time your BBQ collapsed because the charcoal was too hot? Carbon fires cannot get much over 800 deg.

The first firefighters to reach the 79th floor, said they would be able to put the fires out with just two water lines.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."
Please explain how burning desks, carpets computers etc burn hot enough to weaken steel?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin,
I thought NIST abandoned their "pancake" theory?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air--along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse--was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."
Again, pancaking has been abandoned by NIST. And how did a pressure blast occur on the 20th floor, and then one appear on the 40th floor? And how did one appear on the 100th floor when the first plane hit?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Demolition expert Romero regrets that his comments to the Albuquerque Journal became fodder for conspiracy theorists. "I was misquoted in saying that I thought it was explosives that brought down the building," he tells PM. "I only said that that's what it looked like."
He wasn't the only one.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by biglee
and each tower came down completely in under 10 seconds....thats the speed of free-fall....HOW???
I dont believe that if you time the collapse accurately and then time something free falling it would be the same, didnt look it to me, but i havent actually done those timings personally so cant comment further.
Go on.. give it a try. Although it won't stop you commenting further will it?

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tonnes acting with Gravity is quite quick. But what gets me is that the nutbags often quote 10 seconds as if its too fast? Would they prefer it to drop slowly?
thought the steel was high tensile stuff and was tested to melt at 2000 deg....could be wrong tho...
Naaahh, UL don't bother testing anything, they say "yeah that'll do"

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tones at free fall works out to be 10.76 seconds at normal atmospheric pressure, it worries me that there is no resistance, there sould be some sort of delay when floors fall onto floors over a certain mumber of floors lets say 100 over 100 floors you would expect a delay from free-fall of at least an added 1 second or so prehaps more......

what you think?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Yet the Nutbags cant fathom this and shout cover up, instead of accepting the truth.
Do you include the families in this "Nutbag" jibe?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Have just watched the whole video.

Totally and utterly supports my own views:

1) It WAS terrorists not elvis

2) It was planes not bombs

3) It wasnt anything to do with the government

4) The US government ignored many minor warnings cause it was arrogant

5) The US government tried after to hide that any such warning existed

What did you see in that film that i didnt graham?
Did i miss the bit where bush ordered the planes to fly into the buildign?
Again, I never said other wise in THIS post. However points 3-5 show that you STILL haven't watched it. Have I ever accused Bush of ordering the attacks? No.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Uhm, before you go any further realize that the company that produced this film/TV "Show" Got the same super secret Intel info from where Graham did.
No, this film "Press for Truth" is about the families.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Mine and Taryn's good mate is dead. No theory, NO conspiracy, FACT.
My sincerest condolences. I hope one day the real killers are exposed.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
A. Why did our gas/fuel prices rise so much ( I know you guys already think our fuel is cheap but when it rises the way it did some here go crazy! LOL)
And why have fuel prices risen so much since then? Nothing to do with OPEC obviously.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
C. Why "on purpose" make so many people/countries not like us (It's bad enough loads of us don't like the Bush Admin. We don't need clueless fools who read garbage on the net not like us either thinking we're all Bush supporters... WE'RE NOT!)
Ahh, but most Muslims think any Westerner is a Bush/Blair supporter because we voted them back in. Didn't we?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
E. When/Where and How did Graham become such a Politician? and how is he still not in office? I mean, what he's saying is the truth and no Politician ever lies to their people/ Govt!
Funnily enough I've been thinking of standing as an independent in the local elections, with 911 being just one of many issues.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
F. Who Killed Biggie and Tupac? and are they really dead? Or are they making a remix with Elvis?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
G. Where the hell is Amersham?

Originally Posted by Fiddy UK
its all good and well having the freedom of speech, everyone can run around, and say what they want. but it makes no difference what so ever when the powers that be dont listen.
And thats the cause of a LOT of problems, not just terrorism. But nobody here seems to be bothered about that.

Originally Posted by MWF
I didn't manage to watch the vid Graham posted last night.

But I did watch some of the first chapter of Path To 911 which I thought was really good (so far).
Then you may want to retract that post of yours. How about I send a copy of it to some of the families in this film?

Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
MWF Superb read
I'm sure some of the families in this film will agree with you.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
remote airliners.....
No mention of remote airliners in this film. [/quote]

i just wanted to quote all that [/quote]

ahh, why not do it again. I had a spare hour while dinner was cooking.
Old 16-09-2006, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by GARETH T
Originally Posted by Graham S1
Originally Posted by RichardPON
It'll be just as plausible as "Loose Change" and their "this video can't be Bin Laden as his religion forbids him from wearing gold rings and here he is wearing a gold ring"
So you haven't watched it yet then.

Originally Posted by 89XR2
It's a good video that presents lots of viable facts. But it's still all just theories i'm afraid.
Such as......? Facts and theories are the same thing are they?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
1) I genuiney believe that the US govrenment did NOT plant bombs all over the twin towers,
Never said US Government did.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
2) IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
And where I live has WHAT exactly to do with the price of fish?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Was in fact just a conspiracy to trick us into believing it was worth watching then?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
The sort of controlled fall you would get when one story gave way, causing some stories above it to fall and it all just come down step by step as it continually built into a bigger and bigger mass slowly that crushed the successive floors below?
Please explain using your all knowing knowledge, how it gained mass, when most of the sttel and concrete was being ejected sideways out of the building?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Kind of like what would happen if you flew an airplane into it halfway up and it then caught fire complete with all the fuel and weakened the steel?
All the steel. Even 5 floors down? 20 floors down? 40 floors down?

Originally Posted by Thrush
Originally Posted by chip-3door
IF they did plant bombs all over them or mastermind the plot to fly panes into them, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will get caught out by someone in amersham
That IS funny
Did I say I caught them out? Again, whats the price of fish?

Originally Posted by DogSmoke
Anyway that's just guesswork (like these videos ),
Another one who hasn't bothered to watch even part of it.

Originally Posted by Keith B
or whatever is really insulting to the people who were there that day - besides the gross stupidity on the part of the theorist. Get an education in life.
I have PLENTY of life education mate. If you saw any of this, you will realise it's the families who are more insulted by the lies of the 911 Comission.

Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

Yeah, really looks like they know what they're on about.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by Cossiebros
This might be an interesting read, these people actually know what they are talking about.

You cant possibly REALLY expect someone like graham to actually read any of that do you?

He's ONLY interested in the consiparacy stuff, not the reasons its all crap. LOL
Oh you know me so well! And how do you know this about me?

Originally Posted by Dannn
Surely you just need to stand back and apply some common sense to all of this. There is no way on earth the US goverment could have direct involvment in all of this. There would simply be too many people involved to keep quiet.
Exactly. Very few people at the top would have known the grand plan. Most would have just been "carrying out orders" or simply doing there job.

Originally Posted by Graham S1
sooo, what did Henry Kissenger have to do with 9/11?
Bueller?... Bueller?......

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Having watched "The path to 9/11" the other day. And that was based on facts
Errr. and so is this film. It has however, public domain records and documents to back it up. Unlike "Path to 911".

Originally Posted by Rich_w
They knew about them, and they could of killed/arrested/captured some of them. But they chose not to act. And thats as far as US Government involvement went. Not direct, but indirect as above.
That make it alright then.

As Chip says, they made the most of a bad situation.
Originally Posted by Rich_w
Dont expect me to waste time watching these crappy half truth "documentaries" showing how George Bush was at the controls of UA175
If you won't watch it, how can you possibly take part in this thread?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Oh and as an edit. IF somebody wanted to demolish the WTC with explosives, why not just use a sodding great truck bomb in the underground car park.
Well, it didn't work the first time.

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Why go to all the hassle of getting aircraft.
Why the hassle of bringing the buildings down? Wouldn't planes flying in be enough to "shock and awe" people into going to war, with an "enemy" that the US had funded in the decade previous.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
bush did not blow up towers....
if you look carefully, you can see 2 planes fly into them,....
and WTC7?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
I bet that graham is on some forum for this 9/11 stuff somewhere and spends all day talking to people who tell him we are all brainwashed by the system etc and that only those that believe in elvis and diana blowing up the towers with alien technology after george bush paid them to with oil money are inteligent enough to see the truth
Actually I have a job during the day, much like most people. And although I browse a 911 forum or two, I don't particpate that often.

Do you have an Elvis/Diana obsession?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.
carbon based fires melting steel? When was the last time your BBQ collapsed because the charcoal was too hot? Carbon fires cannot get much over 800 deg.

The first firefighters to reach the 79th floor, said they would be able to put the fires out with just two water lines.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."
Please explain how burning desks, carpets computers etc burn hot enough to weaken steel?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin,
I thought NIST abandoned their "pancake" theory?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air--along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse--was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."
Again, pancaking has been abandoned by NIST. And how did a pressure blast occur on the 20th floor, and then one appear on the 40th floor? And how did one appear on the 100th floor when the first plane hit?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Demolition expert Romero regrets that his comments to the Albuquerque Journal became fodder for conspiracy theorists. "I was misquoted in saying that I thought it was explosives that brought down the building," he tells PM. "I only said that that's what it looked like."
He wasn't the only one.

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Originally Posted by biglee
and each tower came down completely in under 10 seconds....thats the speed of free-fall....HOW???
I dont believe that if you time the collapse accurately and then time something free falling it would be the same, didnt look it to me, but i havent actually done those timings personally so cant comment further.
Go on.. give it a try. Although it won't stop you commenting further will it?

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tonnes acting with Gravity is quite quick. But what gets me is that the nutbags often quote 10 seconds as if its too fast? Would they prefer it to drop slowly?
thought the steel was high tensile stuff and was tested to melt at 2000 deg....could be wrong tho...
Naaahh, UL don't bother testing anything, they say "yeah that'll do"

Originally Posted by biglee
500M tones at free fall works out to be 10.76 seconds at normal atmospheric pressure, it worries me that there is no resistance, there sould be some sort of delay when floors fall onto floors over a certain mumber of floors lets say 100 over 100 floors you would expect a delay from free-fall of at least an added 1 second or so prehaps more......

what you think?

Originally Posted by Rich_w
Yet the Nutbags cant fathom this and shout cover up, instead of accepting the truth.
Do you include the families in this "Nutbag" jibe?

Originally Posted by chip-3door
Have just watched the whole video.

Totally and utterly supports my own views:

1) It WAS terrorists not elvis

2) It was planes not bombs

3) It wasnt anything to do with the government

4) The US government ignored many minor warnings cause it was arrogant

5) The US government tried after to hide that any such warning existed

What did you see in that film that i didnt graham?
Did i miss the bit where bush ordered the planes to fly into the buildign?
Again, I never said other wise in THIS post. However points 3-5 show that you STILL haven't watched it. Have I ever accused Bush of ordering the attacks? No.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Uhm, before you go any further realize that the company that produced this film/TV "Show" Got the same super secret Intel info from where Graham did.
No, this film "Press for Truth" is about the families.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Mine and Taryn's good mate is dead. No theory, NO conspiracy, FACT.
My sincerest condolences. I hope one day the real killers are exposed.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
A. Why did our gas/fuel prices rise so much ( I know you guys already think our fuel is cheap but when it rises the way it did some here go crazy! LOL)
And why have fuel prices risen so much since then? Nothing to do with OPEC obviously.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
C. Why "on purpose" make so many people/countries not like us (It's bad enough loads of us don't like the Bush Admin. We don't need clueless fools who read garbage on the net not like us either thinking we're all Bush supporters... WE'RE NOT!)
Ahh, but most Muslims think any Westerner is a Bush/Blair supporter because we voted them back in. Didn't we?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
E. When/Where and How did Graham become such a Politician? and how is he still not in office? I mean, what he's saying is the truth and no Politician ever lies to their people/ Govt!
Funnily enough I've been thinking of standing as an independent in the local elections, with 911 being just one of many issues.

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
F. Who Killed Biggie and Tupac? and are they really dead? Or are they making a remix with Elvis?

Originally Posted by Fastmaul
G. Where the hell is Amersham?

Originally Posted by Fiddy UK
its all good and well having the freedom of speech, everyone can run around, and say what they want. but it makes no difference what so ever when the powers that be dont listen.
And thats the cause of a LOT of problems, not just terrorism. But nobody here seems to be bothered about that.

Originally Posted by MWF
I didn't manage to watch the vid Graham posted last night.

But I did watch some of the first chapter of Path To 911 which I thought was really good (so far).
Then you may want to retract that post of yours. How about I send a copy of it to some of the families in this film?

Originally Posted by Lou Lou.
MWF Superb read
I'm sure some of the families in this film will agree with you.

Originally Posted by Carlsworth
remote airliners.....
No mention of remote airliners in this film.

i just wanted to quote all that [/quote]

ahh, why not do it again. I had a spare hour while dinner was cooking.[/quote]

cooking dinner?
thats taken me until it was first posted to read and understand

my onion is that we shouldn't start making new theories about stuff until we've prooved or disporooved other older problems, like, "who shoot kenedy" and "were the moon landing s fake"
Old 16-09-2006, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Fastmaul
Originally Posted by Rich_w
Having watched "The path to 9/11" the other day.....
Uhm, before you go any further realize that the company that produced this film/TV "Show" Got the same super secret Intel info from where Graham did. There's load's of people saying how "biased" it was. And a TV show based on the "Facts" Yeah, the producer was in the room with the president and other members of the Govt all those years to know it was fact. It all looks good and makes for GREAT Television, I mean look... You guys are talking about it.

Not a dig though, just pointing out incase someone else see that TV show and think it's a factual program.

Here IS a FACT,
I'm not saying it was set in stone of course. Hell, the giant disclaimers put up at each end of both episodes kind of gave that away

But what sort of backlash has it recieved. Is it because it was anti-government (both Clintons and Bush's administrations I guess) it was fairly damning towards the whole CIA vs FBI angle. I got the impression that was the general consensus that the 9/11 senate report reached. That they could of acted sooner, but they didnt.
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